Behind Breakouts: How To Get The Best Acne Scar Treatment

Looking for the best way to get rid of acne scars? Break it down with us here.

Simply Skin facials for acne scar removal

Image from Simply Skin

For anyone who had acne throughout their journey as Women in Progress®️, we've heard quite a fair share of spot-zapping remedies. From easy-to-do tricks through drying out acne with toothpaste to superstitions we do for good measure, with how personal skin could get, it's no wonder we resort to them.

While we might find good skin days aligning with quick fixes and mystique, they might do more harm than good. Skin works within a complex and scientific realm— what happens to it can mostly be pointed out through causes and effects, so the same goes for dealing with them, especially with acne.

It seems like a lot of work to unpack all of that to find the best acne scar treatment. Let's break it down together.

What causes acne and breakouts?

Beige colored sand with embedded shells underneath

Photography by Wolfgang Hasselmann (@wolfgang_hasselmann) from Unsplash

Our skin produces an oil-like substance called sebum. We might have encountered this term from products used to control this substance, and while it's an essential factor as to why acne happens, it also takes care of maintaining your skin moisture.

Now that we know sebum is a factor for acne and our skin's health, how do we get breakouts?

Like all things in our journey, our skin has to achieve a certain balance. For most people, acne happens when there's an overproduction of sebum paired with dead skin cells, dirt, or bacteria that block or inflame our skin. Because hormones control our sebum production, being under high stress or lacking sleep could become a reason why we break out. This relationship also means that some people may be born more acne-prone than others or go through natural hormonal fluctuations that cause breakouts.

Why do we get acne marks & scars?

Photography by Viktor Bystrov (@xokvictor) from Unsplash

When we get acne or breakouts, sometimes we think it's way more worrisome to deal with the aftermath. Once our skin goes through calming down, we think about whether it will leave a mark or scar, but how does that exactly happen?

Our skin is built to have different layers to protect us from external stressors. When we get acne, there's a chance that it extends just a little beyond the surface, but there's also a possibility that it might affect the deeper layers and tissues of our skin. Our skin wonderfully registers this as foreign and tries to heal the skin. Depending on how much or how little our skin produces collagen during the healing process, it might result in skin trauma through depressed or raised scars.

What's the best acne scar treatment?

From what we've broken down, acne is a little trickier to put in a box. With its many possible causes and the way acne marks & scars could vary, the best acne scar treatment considers the essential factors that come into play for your skin.

For the best acne scar treatment, the Three-Step Journey with our laser facials could be your gateway to fewer marks & scars and smoother skin texture. Backed by some of the most effective technology that takes our skin processes into huge consideration and a mutually skin-loving team of experts, we wanted to make sure we cover the factors that come into play when people get breakouts for a personalized, start-to-finish approach to skincare. Here’s how we designed it for acne-prone and acne-scarred skin:

Step 1 - Expert Cleanse

A step that takes care of: balancing out sebum production and decongesting skin from buildup that contributes to acne.

This avoids: going over the root cause of breakouts with bandaid remedies.

Step 2 - Your Treatment of Choice

A step that treats your skin with: targeted laser treatments made specifically for your skin story, lifestyle, and skin needs.

This avoids: overlooking your actual skin goals by being more particular with the technology and treatment procedure.

Choose from our best acne marks & scars treatments through real results from Women in Progress®️

Clearlift Laser Treatment

Best for pigmentation from breakouts, dull skin, and pores

Pixel Laser Resurfacing

Best for acne marks & scars, pores, and texture

Ultimate Clear Power Duo

Best for more stubborn acne marks & scars, more pitted pores, and rougher skin texture


Step 3 - Your Aftercare at Home

A step that allows you to discover: aftercare dos and don'ts and the best skincare routine with in-house product recommendations to help prevent acne and breakouts from happening again.

This avoids: blind-picking products that end up disrupting your skin progress.

Treating acne marks & scars should be personalized and specific to what we want to address, otherwise, we’d be disregarding our personal journeys and stories for care that’s not suited for us. Going for a personalized approach to treat acne marks & scars allows us to dedicate our time, effort and mental space to something that will guarantee progress you could see and feel. When you can, see what the difference would make for your skin. We’ll be waiting!

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