Photography by Alexa Portoraro (@atlasalexa) from Unsplash
Whenever we think of the holidays, we immediately think of the early festive feel around us— the twinkling lights, the cooler air, and the rush to catch a breath through our unique ways. For some, it's the only time to relish indulging in guilt-free rest. That's why it becomes ever more important to tune into what matters to us.
Because of the hustle and bustle of life, our initial instinct when we hit the festive season is to go all out and say yes to everything. After all, we were locked up and unable to create memories and moments with people we love and enjoy being around the most. Although this is true, we can still make the most out of it without feeling continuously in a 'yes!' frenzy and ending up with an empty cup. The answer: going back to what our priorities are.
It can get challenging, especially when you want to do so many things in a short, valuable time, so here are some prompts to help you. Save it for your next reflection session.
Who are the people that make you feel great?
Photography from Unsplash
It's the season of reunions and get-togethers! If you're on the planning committee or someone who has free rein on who to see, try to put the people who make you feel welcome and bring out the best in you on top of the list. That way, you're sure to leave every cafe, venue, or home feeling loved and celebrated and never with the feeling that you're constantly on guard.
When was the last time you celebrated yourself?
Photography by cottonbro studio from Pexels
Although this season urges us to compensate for the lost time by making memories and moments with the people we enjoy being around, try to make it a point to have at least one night dedicated to re-evaluating, recalibrating, and reflecting. No, it doesn't need to be a stern one-on-one session with yourself. Get comfortable. Create new traditions with yourself. Get reinforcements, or depending on what celebrating looks like for you, go all out and plan a day celebrating how far you've come.
Having a dedicated day to celebrate yourself ensures you wouldn't feel like you're going to and from one thing and another and, without realizing it, burnt out (yes, festive burnout exists) by the end.
What do you want to remember most during this season?
Photography by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
For some people, the festive season might have brought a different feeling from the usual holiday cheer. With us having diverse stories or circumstances transpiring different life events, the holidays could signify something other than carolers and lights.
Because of that, it's essential to have an open mind about the season. Rather than revolving it around general traditions, make the focal point about how you want to look back on the season instead. If you want it to be a time to remember loved ones gained or lost, to hold back from excess, or to give back in ways you've never done before, feel free to do so! Be unapologetic about how you want to remember during this period of time— it makes up for maximum fondness instead of associating it with dread when we look back years in time.
Try to add more to the list to further refine what you’re putting first this season! It could vary for most since we all have different goals and needs. What are you adding for yours to go back to what matters the most?