Photography by Liza Azorina (@azorinaliza) from Unsplash
The festive season signals more than just lights and cheer. It's a great time to reconnect, revisit and enjoy a time to fully unwind— something we might not have the full advantage of for any other year.
Although we commonly associate the holidays with Christmas and welcoming the New Year, there's always room (if we make some!) to celebrate what doesn't conventionally call for roundtable celebrations. Perhaps this is the year we start creating new traditions and see the perks of making it a habit to notice how far we've come. Although it might not fulfill the usual checklist for a holiday party, it's guaranteed to offer us a new way to look at our journey differently.
In case you need a reminder or a little nudge that says, 'yes, you deserve to celebrate this, too,' here are three more things we could celebrate during the holidays:
Getting the hang of new journeys
Photography by Vladislav Filippov (@fillvlad) from Unsplash
Even when we look at other people's journeys or share our own, we often undermine or brush off our struggles to get to the 'good parts'— the achievements, milestones, and winning moments. While these are genuinely noteworthy things to celebrate, it might feel alienating to those who are just about to get there or feel like what they're doing isn't 'there yet.'
One more reason to celebrate? The stage of learning to get the hang of it.
It's an ode to those still on that steep learning curve— the mother adapting to a little one's schedule or trying their best to connect with their teenagers. It's for the new hire trying to get the feel of their role or the employee gearing up with new or more technological skills. Although it might feel like it's conventionally not worth a toast in the evening, being able to take on the very act of getting the hang of completely new journeys is a milestone worthy of self-recognition.
Something to go with you as you go
Making our own magic
Photography by Marcus Santos (@marcussantosr) from Unsplash
As we get older, we realize that some things might have lost luster as we go through our journey. Things feel pale to what we've known before, and it might be because the people who made it memorable have passed the baton to you— an event bound to happen!
Creating happiness is something we necessarily owe to people, but if you find joy in doing so, celebrate when you made someone's day just by showing up. Try to think of a time you created magic simply by doing acts of kindness to strangers or people we value. Additionally, remind yourself when you made something magical for yourself. Remember the little actions that add joy to everyday life or your intention to make the best of it. The sooner we see that we do wield some power to create realistic, fulfilling joy in life, the faster we'll be able to see it take place more often.
To make your own magic at any time, any moment
Giving yourself a chance
Photography by Elia Pellegrini (@eliapelle) from Unsplash
Whenever we think of giving chances, we might immediately associate it with relationships that might deservedly need a redo. While warranted, especially if it gives you more fulfillment and joy, try to celebrate giving yourself a chance, too!
Try to think of the past year. Giving yourself a chance might look like allowing yourself to fulfill a childhood wish or finally subscribing to habits that give back. Perhaps it's learning to speak to yourself in kinder words whenever you make mistakes (or accepting that we inevitably will make mistakes in life!) or creating life-changing boundaries for yourself. No matter what it looks like, giving yourself a chance to explore, grow and make mistakes can enrich our journey even further. Much more if we appreciate and acknowledge it, too!
To celebrate giving yourself a chance
Although these three things come to the top of our minds when it comes to new celebrations, there are much more throughout the year that might have gone unnoticed. Before we end the year and delve into a new one, make sure you give yourself a day (or night!) dedicated to noticing them and giving yourself well-deserved cheers for it.