For Two: How To Connect & Stay Present With Your Favorites

Make the most out of your connections during the holidays with these mindful practices.

Two champagne flutes in a modern set-up

Photography by mk. s (@mk__s) from Unsplash

In between self-improvement and trying to balance the different ups and downs of our journey, along the way, we may feel like we need to recharge certain aspects of our lives— the holidays are always a good time to start the habit of it.

It's great that we can focus on ourselves to ensure we're never running dangerously on an empty cup. However, there's always a fulfilling feeling we only get when connecting with other people. Whether it's our childhood friends, the co-workers we're most comfortable with, or our found family, being able to connect gives us the feeling of company, solidarity, and, quite simply— joy. While we can physically be there for the people we love and enjoy being around, there's always a way to ensure time spent with them is of quality.

May it be connecting with the people we find comfort in, or reconnecting with those we lost touch with, here's how we can mindfully connect this season:

Focus on details

Festive, minimalist table setting

Photography by cottonbro studio from Pexels

When we're with the people we enjoy being around, it's natural for us to want to remember the moment. Our initial move: taking photos!

While we love our visual keepsakes, making sure we remember and experience the small details of the moment could change our perception of a memory when we're with someone we cherish. Try to focus on your environment. What do you see, feel or smell during the time you’re with your favorites? When it comes to the people we’re spending our time with, what are they saying, and how do they say it? Capture their voices and tones, how they laugh or express their emotions. Paying attention to these little details will help encapsulate memories spent with them astoundingly, that even when you look back years later, you'll feel transported back to that moment!

Foster or create new traditions

Photography by Ruben Ramirez (@pinchebesu) from Unsplash

Fulfilling traditions has always been a staple during the holiday season. However, over time, some traditions may feel a little different or simply not the same as we remember. When that happens, it seems like we are just doing a chore rather than feeling like we're celebrating, commemorating, or remembering the actual reason behind those traditions.

Time and circumstance can change traditions completely. Maybe there's a family tradition that hasn't felt the same for a while or yearly group plans that have been difficult to follow through with. Make it easier to connect by allowing new traditions to transpire or being open to changes. Try to capture the essence. What is it about the traditions we have in place now that made it so special? How can we replicate or evoke the same feeling that suits the time and circumstance with the people we want to share it with? Through these, we can ensure we're not just following a mold and instead deepen what traditions mean for the people involved.

In action: opting for a white elephant gift exchange instead of individual gifts for everyone to lighten the gift load; doing your first donation drive with a designated person getting to choose their foundation of choice every year.

Gift with intention

Photography by cottonbro studio from Pexels

Although not entirely needed for the season, we sometimes want to go beyond for the people we cherish and give them a token of our love or appreciation. When doing so, it's best to gift with mindfulness and intention.

Planning out your gifts can sometimes be stressful and a bit intimidating. We often want to equal how special a person is with how expensive or elaborate the present is, but at the end of the day (and no matter how cliche it might sound), it's always the thought that counts. A day spent with your full attention over a cup of coffee could mean a lot, or perhaps a reminder that you're listening could go a long way. Maybe you could show it in different ways. Make your present an experience to share with the adventurer in your life. Or go wrapper-less for the eco-conscious. Perhaps give the yearly host a gracious thanks by lifting the weight off something on their shoulders. So long as you look at how they'll value it instead of its face value, you're sure to make anyone on the receiving end smile.

Explore other ideas for everyone on your list here.

The holidays may be the best time to foster these habits, but these actions are always welcome throughout the year. Not only will they deepen our relationships with the people we value the most, but it also helps us learn what makes moments, people, and the value of time— lessons that are welcome all throughout the year and integral to our progress.

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