Of Intentions & Senses: Our Favorite Ways To Elevate Spaces

Make the most out of any space with these home-elevating tips.

Well lit, white and beige themed living room

Photography by Andrew Wise (@joincapture) from Unsplash

Ever felt the noticeable difference it makes when you try to focus on your tasks when you're in a different space— may it be a library, a cafe, or the outdoors? Perhaps the feeling of being at total peace and relaxation when you're on a trip?

There has always been a huge connection between our surroundings and how we go about living our lives. In more ways than we realize, we interact with what we surround ourselves with daily. In turn, it affects how we see or act. For some people, it manifests clearly and immediately— a cluttered space may make them feel more irritated or frustrated. Others might feel the dynamic relationship between self and environment more slowly.

Although we have different tastes and lifestyles that dictate how the environment we move around would feel and look, there are ways we can tweak it to make sure our senses are piqued and that each fixture or addition feels intentional to our progress. These little changes can make every space elevated, so choose one that applies:

Scent matters.

Modern diffuser set up

Photography by Volant (@volantaroma) from Unsplash

There's a reason why we can recall memories simply through scents. According to neuroscientists, our brain is set up in a way that allows us to attach emotion and memory whenever our senses pick up scents.

If you easily associate scents with memories and simply enjoys having that sense piqued, try associating your space with scents based on what you want. If you'd like to evoke a certain mood or disposition, try out what aromatherapy could do for you. Alternatively, if you're more about elevating the vibe your space gives, go for themed scents and change it up based on the seasons or go for dedicated aromas dedicated to particular sections at your home.

Let the light in.

Photography by Nattanich Vichaidit (@ffahn) from Unsplash

Believe it or not, how we light our spaces can affect our daily mood and disposition. Some people even experience more extreme changes due to the lack of it. It shows just how impactful being able to manipulate and use light is when it comes to elevating your space.

If you tend to feel more sluggish working or focusing in dimly lit spaces, try considering it when designing your home. If you can't make drastic changes, strive to situate yourself near the closest source of natural light whenever you can, even if it's just for a few minutes. Mood lighting can also be a great contributor to elevating your space. Try playing around with warm and cool light to set the tone for your days and nights.

Make it personal.

Photography by mk. s (@mk__s) from Unsplash

If there's anything that makes a home stand out more, it's having sections of it dedicated to who you are and what exactly you value the most.

If you're the type who loves being surrounded by the great outdoors, try placing indoor plants where your eyes naturally settle. For people who find joy in making cups of their favorite drinks, feel free to allow yourself to have a dedicated corner just for it— cute mugs, dedicated equipment, and all. No matter what it is, it's all about having personalized corners to find peace or comfort at your home. It counts as an intention, too!

Creating an intentional space doesn't always have to always mean a huge whiteboard to list down your tasks, or completely void of the things that bring you joy. An intentional space can be a way to explore your senses and make the most of your personal space while making it an environment you can thrive, grow and be in complete progress— in all its shapes and forms.

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