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Everyone can create goals, but not every goal made is the same. Even more, the tendency to set unachievable goals happens more often than we think.
The new year offers us a golden opportunity to set objectives we want to achieve over the coming months. The practice of listing down our resolutions allows us to root for everything we're capable of doing. However, because there's so much we could do in a year, it's easy to fall into the trap of creating goals that don't necessarily matter to us in the big picture.
Here are our secrets to make sure you don't fall into the same trap and ensure every goal aligns with what you want:
Start from the root
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The best goals always direct you towards a direction. It can look like an overarching theme throughout the year that will guide you in the right direction.
Give our little exercise a try. Find a word that resounds the most to you to complete this sentence:
"This year is the year of _____________”
You can choose from our chosen themes or add one that aligns more with what you want to revolve your goals around.
Grow your branches
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Now that you're rooted in your central theme to set the tone this year, think of the areas in your life where you want to see it most. Would it be in your career, relationships, or overall health?
It’s completely normal to want to see & feel your goals’ core in more than one aspect of your journey, but try to focus on each aspect’s prospective impact over the idea of a long list of goals.
Emphasis on impact
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Try to think of your top three through two lenses: wants/needs and effects. That will help you sort out what your priorities are and help drive you further.
I want/need...
to find better opportunities that align with my growth mindset. (Career)
to improve the time spent with people who matter to me the most. (Relationships)
to manage where I invest my resources in. (Wealth)
This will…
allow me to pursue experiences that I’ve always dreamed of.
help me build a sense of community and have a strong support system when I need it.
give me a sense of security and resources. (Wealth)
This little but life-changing point of view makes your goals have more weight as you can verbalize how important these goals are.
Download our goal-making format here— on us.
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Remember that every theme, priority, and need will differ from one another, so feel free to use our guide as a North Star. Share what yours looks like and tag us @simplyskinph