Photography by Lucas Kohoko from Unsplash
When we think of making progress, we always have one goal in mind— a single North Star we use to navigate our routines around.
However, we sometimes forget how multi-faceted and layered progress can be. Our big picture always contains littler, smaller ones. Inside those tinier pictures, there are more. That is why when we work too hard with one goal in mind and leave no space for the other aspects of life, we tend to feel bogged down or burned out by the very thing we want to achieve.
Our goals, when mindfully and consciously being worked towards, give us a sense of direction and being. Because of that, it could be confusing (and frustrating) to feel detached or disillusioned by something that could feel so empowering. Our tip? Ensuring you're pouring in the work for your mind, body, and soul so you're not filling up just one cup. That way, you get a positive domino effect that would radiate toward your goals without leaving you empty. Here are a few mindset tweaks you could do:
For the mind
Your 100% will look different every day.
Photography by Felipe Dias from Unsplash
Our thought process on progress usually centers around giving your absolute best daily. The moment we feel like we falter, need a pause, or do not have ourselves totally in it, we feel like we're not being genuine in our intention to achieve our goals. In reality, it's normal and human to feel differently about the journey we're all taking. What matters the most is that we show up. A small step, or even being able to do even the tiniest act of service for ourselves, is infinitely better than doing absolutely nothing. A small stepping stone will still be a stepping stone toward your goals.
For the body
Whatever you do today is a celebration of your potential.
Photography by Alena Shekhovtcova from Pexels
When we think about improving any aspect of our life, it's always in the context of comparing who we are right now to who we should be. Here's an example. When we think of getting into fitness, we always have certain ideals in mind. Although not as common as it is now, we still tend to fall into the trap of focusing on looking a certain way. With a simple mind shift of turning your movements into a celebration of what your body can do, you can remove the pressure of having to fit into a mold (that we sometimes don't know how they came about!) That applies to other aspects of life, too. Make every choice for yourself a nod to who you're capable of being to honor yourself today.
Celebrate the skin you're in by setting its best potential free. Explore personalized treatments made for every skin, every journey here.
For the soul
You're allowed to feel happy in your journey.
Photography by Laura Ockel (@viazavier) from Unsplash
Progress means hard work, but it could also mean softness and warmth. Being able to embrace happiness— seek it, keep it in our routine will not diminish or make our progress turn insignificant. It'll make it even more beautiful and whole. If that means getting five-minute breaks for a good cup of coffee on a stressful day or welcoming new hobbies while working on your goals, you'd be more glad to include having simple moments of happiness that allows you to feel whole and at peace. Crush the idea of the 24/7 grind and enjoy (or actively seek) the stroll your journey could offer.
Try out these three mind-body-soul-healing mindsets and see what difference they could make to your journey. Take it one step at a time. No long-lasting changes happen overnight. Internalize and see it take effect.