Photography by Ryoji Iwata (@ryoji__iwata) from Unsplash
Although we always highlight how we have our unique journeys, stories, and goals, if there's one thing that binds our community, it's the fact that we are all doing what we can to make positive changes to tap our inner potential.
As Women in Progress®️, we all know the struggle of claiming our identity beyond what society expects. We're taught to go about our journey in hyper-specific ways, and although we have differences, knowing we're not alone throughout it is something we can hold on to that gives us comfort.
In the spirit of that, here are great reminders that every woman could take— no matter where they are in their journey. All in saveable formats for your devices or journal to keep:
Image from Simply Skin
Some of us feel like there's a deadline to achieving our goals. It's too late to pursue this passion, or it's too early to start thinking of investing in something good. Break that mindset. Start what you want to, or allow yourself to rekindle pursuits that have always served you well. You're welcome to do this at any point in your journey.
Image from Simply Skin
People always think that progress comes with momentous steps, but it's in the little details— the habits we built to hone helpful mindsets that make the big picture. Appreciate it. Celebrate it. Recognize the very ability to do something, no matter how big or small that is for yourself.
Image from Simply Skin
While being in the digital age has merits, how we live our lives and what we associate with progress can easily be confused with what we see online (which rarely shows the harsher parts of life.) Here's a reminder that no one can define what progress means to you but yourself. Own it and make it your north star. Celebrate how others define theirs, but never lose track of your own definition of progress.
Image from Simply Skin
Instead of focusing our attention on overnight fixes and ending up feeling disappointed when it falls short on promises, redirect your energy to the beauty of the process. Embrace the fact that progress can be slow, but when we build it with the intention to be sustainable and ingrain it into our routines, it feels more worthwhile.
Image from Simply Skin
Intuition isn't inherent. The mindsets you nurture & foster, your experiences, and your principles play a part in your intuition. To trust means to trust yourself. Don't make it your only consideration, but make it a player in decision-making.
Image from Simply Skin
No one ever stays the same. Not really. If you look back, there may be parts of yourself you no longer recognize. How you act, feel, think or look will go through changes all the time. That's okay. Embrace those parts of yourself. Who you are now owe it to those versions of yourself you may no longer relate to.
Take what resonates— send it to a fellow Woman in Progress who could need it or keep it in plain sight for yourself as you go further along. Onwards we go.