Woman in Progress®️: Issa Amores

Get to know creative-slash-Woman in Progress®️ Issa Amores and her perfect mix of wellness go-tos and inspiration on her road to progress.

Image from Issa Amores

From coffee-table reads that inspire to creatives who are equally good in curating, community manager and fellow Woman in Progress®️ Issa Amores lets us in on her current journey to progress and gives us a peek of what she’s taking with her all throughout it.

Tell us something about yourself!

I’m Issa, I’m a creative and a Community Manager (for Frankie General Store).

Where or in which aspect of your life do you want to see progress in?

Image from Issa Amores

Most probably my lifestyle and my relationship with my inner self.

Share with us your most recent, proudest win (big or small!)

I actually just got promoted a few months ago! Very excited about what's to come for me in the near future!

Talk us through your favorite routine (day or night).

My favorite routine would be in the morning when I’ve had a glass of water and do some self-meditation before I start working.

See how Issa designs her life through her routine essentials when it comes to—

Creativity, growth & progress

Read: Just Kids by Patti Smith

Podcast: Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain

Mantra: “Things usually make sense in time, and even bad decisions have their own kind of correctness.” -Miranda July

Inspiration: In terms of creativity and style, it would be the Olsen twins. And one of my favorite creatives — Rachel Nguyen also known as, @thatschic.


Simply Skin Woman in Progress Issa Amores

Skin: Ultimate Clear Power Duo and my Dr. Jart Cicapair Serum

App: Instagram

Movement: Not an app, but probably Yoga With Adrien (on Youtube).

Unwind: Reading! I like to read in my spare time and play video games.


Snack On-Hand: A chocolate chip cookie or sometimes a banana.

Drink: Just water. Always trying to stay hydrated as much as I can.

Desk essential: My laptop.

Art/decor: It would have to be my coffee table books — photo books, editorials, etc. And my Setago table lamp by Jaime Hayon.

To you, a Woman in Progress®️ is:

Someone who is continuously growing and learning.

Meet Issa Amores via @issaamores.

Find out more about her treatment of choice and how it could help you in your own story— find out more about the Ultimate Clear Power Duo.

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