Woman in Progress®️: Naomi Ng

In conversation with all-around designer and Woman in Progress®️, Naomi Ng. Meet her here.

From having her own label to starting passion projects during the pandemic, if there's something we learned about the all-around designer, Naomi Ng, it's extending the love for creating into our lives. To her, it's all about knowing what she wants and deciding to design her life to meet them from inside out even extending the help to others with her own self-care brand.

Tell us something about yourself!

I started in the fashion industry as a stylist after graduating from SoFA Design institute and eventually started my label, Naomi Ng Designs, which is known for tailored yet fun formal suits. During my 4 years of experience, I have dressed some of the iconic stars of Manila and participated in different fashion shows here in the Philippines.

During the pandemic, I launched my little passion project Luna & Omi a self-care brand. I also took up Interior Design at the Philippine School of Interior Design (PSID) and currently building up my small interior design studio - Kōyō Studios.

Where or which aspect of your life do you want to see progress in?

Spirituality. Not just building my relationship with God but also an at-peace-with-myself aspect.

I want to practice different activities (like journaling, quiet time, meditation) that allow me to find a deeper purpose and meaning in life. I believe that spirituality is important because it’s what you have left if everything is taken from you. It allows you to unplug from worldly worries and find inner peace.

Naomi Ng Simply Skin

Share with us your most recent, proudest win (big or small!)

I just celebrated Luna & Omi’s 1st anniversary last October 8.

I [started] this brand (without any expectations) last year because I was doing through a rough patch. I never imagined that I’ll be able to pull this off and that it’ll actually last for a year. I’m super grateful and proud of where we are right now and what we have achieved. Definitely a BIG WIN!

Talk us through your favorite routine (day or night).

Since I’m a designer, my daily routine focuses on designing.

I usually wake up at around 7:30 am and I would pray and do my journal or manifest (law of attraction is real!) After that I will do an hour of workout with my coach or do a yoga session, then I will shower and do my quick and easy skincare routine. Before I head to my studio for work I would eat a light breakfast while reading a chapter of a book or make a to-do list for the day.

As much as possible I will try my best to avoid checking social media in the morning because it pollutes my mind.

With bits and pieces dedicated to balancing her work as a designer and having moments for her own, here's what Naomi Ng keeps on the daily for progress in—

Creativity, growth & progress

Read: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie is my all-time favorite book! I would reread this multiple times a year!

Podcast: The Mindset Mentor by Rod Dial! He’s super inspiring— whenever I feel down or overwhelmed I would listen to an episode!

Mantra: "I will achieve great things through small steps."

Inspiration: My #1 inspiration would be Selena Gomez. She is a strong and talented woman. I love how she advocates mental health along with her brand!


Simply Skin Woman in Progress

Skin: Can't live without Clearlift Laser Treatment and Axis-y Sunday Morning Refreshing Cleansing Foam!

App: Definitely Spotify! I can’t live without music. I have to listen to music even while I’m sleeping because it keeps my anxiety away!

Movement: I do yoga with @yogawithmaan and workouts with Coach Cam Lagmay regularly! They’re awesome! You guys should check them out!

Unwind: Whenever I feel stressed I would light up a candle and just lie down on my bed, or I will call or hang out with a friend since I'm an extrovert I love spending time with other people.


Woman in Progress Simply Skin

Snack On-Hand: I would say chips or Potato Corner barbeque-flavored fries, but I’m trying to stay healthy so.. pita and hummus would be my go-to snacks for now or any vegan snacks!

Drink: I love coconut water or any drink with taro in it!

Desk essential: A pink highlighter and Post-It because I love making to-do lists all the time.

Art/decor: Portrait painting of my beloved dogs— they’re already in dog heaven so whenever I miss them I would take a look at the portrait.

To you, a Woman in Progress®️ is:

A strong, confident, and independent woman/girl who wants to be the best version of themselves and who is not afraid of challenges!

Get to know more about Naomi Ng via @itsnaoming!

Find out more about her treatment of choice and how it could help you in your own story— find out more about the Clearlift Laser Treatment.

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