Woman in Progress®️: Noelle Lejano

A creative at all fronts, Woman in Progress®️ Noelle Lejano takes us on a glimpse of her favorite things to keep her on track for progress. Meet her here.

Image from Noelle Lejano

A creative at all fronts— Noelle Lejano shows us a glimpse of how her background, the little pieces that make up her routine, and a strong affinity for putting in the work & discipline to make goals happen, all work together in her journey as a Woman in Progress®️. Get to know more about her:

Tell us something about yourself!

I used to be a competitive dancer in high school and college, which I believe has influenced much of my work ethic today.

Where or which aspect of your life do you want to see progress in?

Simply Skin Woman in Progress - Noelle Lejano

Image from Noelle Lejano

I want to see more progress in my creative process, from inspiration to execution!

Share with us your most recent, proudest win (big or small!)

I recently bought my first camera! My first official #BigGirlPurchase

Talk us through your favorite routine (day or night).

Every morning, I'm up at 6:00 AM and go straight to do my daily devotion and journaling. Afterward, I work out for an hour and then make a cup of coffee (my favorite part of the day!). I'll shower, go over my calendar and to-do list for the day, then snack on something nutritious like greek yogurt! Typically I'll be done with this routine at around 8:30 AM, which gives me enough time to relax before the work starts pouring in.

Go over a love for organizing and self-work with Noelle with her essentials in—

Creativity, growth & progress

Read: Atomic Habits by James Clear

Podcast: Reset NYC with Liz Tran

Mantra: “I am courageous, creative, and connected.”

Inspiration: Liz Tran, Oprah, James Clear, Tessa Forest, Ashley aka bestdressed


Image from Noelle Lejano

Skin: The Essential Facial + Kiehl's Retinol Daily Micro-Dose Serum

App: Headspace

Movement: Any of the @growingannanas home workouts on YouTube!

Unwind: Drinking a cup of lemon ginger tea, lighting my favorite candle, and reading a good book before bed.


Snack On-Hand: Chocolate-coated almonds

Drink: Iced Americano

Desk essential: My journal! It's my safety blanket, I need it around me all the time.

Art/decor: An original print I bought from an amazing artist and friend, Vanilla!

To you, a Woman in Progress®️ is:

Someone who knows her goals, who puts in the work, yet remains kind to herself.

Meet Noelle Lejano via @noelledlejano.

Find out more about her treatment of choice and how it could help you in your own story— find out more about the Essential Facial.

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