Photography by jim hatch (@jimo6633) from Unsplash
Progress doesn't stop at a certain age, nor does it come to a halt when we achieve "standard" milestones in life. Every conscious choice we make towards something better, even in our day-to-day living, is a testimony of how we're always, in all ways, in progress.
When we look around us, every woman goes through their unique journeys towards different goals that they want to achieve. Some Women in Progress® would love to see their careers flourish. Some are in pursuit of building their own families or being a steady mother-figure in their ways. Each journey has stories of progress that contain lessons different from the ones we experience now but are of value nonetheless. Little notes we can keep at the back of our heads.
Much like the treasured advice we have kept from the women we admire that struck us the most, we thought there's no better way to celebrate the Woman in Progress® by asking women of different ages the best lessons life taught them. Who knows? It might come in handy for your journey or become your lightbulb moment sometime in your own road to progress.
Your enlightened 30s and 40s
On rituals at 30
Photography by Cat Han (@figmentprints) from Unsplash
"Before, 30 seemed like such a scary age because I used to have the belief that when you're 30, you're already old and should have everything in place. I quickly realized that's not necessarily true at all.
To me, it still feels like I'm in my 20s plus the knowledge from the past years and the resources. Now that I have a pretty good idea of what I want and have a little more freedom in pursuing it, I'm making sure I find rituals now that not just serve their purpose but also keep me happy. Having that is what makes me feel young!
Right now, my go-to ritual that makes everything better is my nightly yoga and meditation. I’m so happy to cleanse away the grind of the day with it.
I’m taking the time to discover what makes me happy & content— it’s become essential in keeping me motivated!" - Lea, 33
About trusting oneself at 40
Photography by averie woodard (@averieclaire) from Unsplash
“When in doubt, don't! It’s almost funny whenever I look back at moments when I wished I trusted a gut feeling or an inkling of doubt when it comes to decision-making.
Do it even in little things, like making big choices or if you see suspicious claims about this-and-that. If you start to question it, there's a reason why you should take a closer look. There's no harm in taking caution even when the whole world seems caught up in it because that's what will save you time, effort, and resources at the end of the day.
Looking back at the times when I disregarded a gut feeling and things didn't come out the way I wanted before, it became a lesson that stuck with me. My age now taught me to trust in what I know and to trust that I know what's best for me. I invest in those things." - Monica, 44
Your Evolving 20s
On skincare exploring
Photography by Peter Kalonji (@peter_kp007) from Unsplash
"I've never been too much of a skincare fan before, but my 20s became a time for exploring what works for me! I am definitely at that phase now where I want to find the skincare routine that suits my skin.
Just recently, I realized that I have oily and sensitive skin. It took me a few tries (and mishaps!) but I feel I've been getting the hang of choosing which products work with it and not against it. I've been seeing the difference already!
Currently, I'm loving the Axis-Y No-Stress Physical Sunscreen which was recommended to me by skincare experts. I now have a go-to sunscreen and although it took me a while to discover it, I'm glad I kept searching for one that works for my skin!" - Flo, 24
Photography by Allec Gomes (@allecgomes) from Unsplash
When it comes to skin, it's easy to subscribe to skincare trends and facial treatments that claim to treat all. Take the extra step to understand that the more a facial claims to do, the more likely it is to lead you astray from what you truly want for your skin.
For skincare made simple, easy, effective that gives you no doubt on whether it can help you set your good skin free, Simply Skin makes sure each session is personalized and made just for you. You're sure to step out of Our Spaces with progress you can see and feel with skin-specific treatments, a skincare experience that takes care of you from start to finish, and skin-loving experts that guide you throughout your whole treatment process. This will make every visit a ritual you'd love to keep!
What's a facial treatment like at Simply Skin?
Every session at Simply Skin includes a full Three-Step Journey:
Step 1 - Expert Cleanse
The first step to all our treatments is our signature hydradermabrasion facial that intensely cleanses, hydrates, exfoliates, and soothes skin without pricking.
2. Step 2 - Your Treatment of Choice
Choose from expertly crafted facials and laser facials specific to your skin needs and goals.
3. Step 3 - Your Aftercare at Home
Take skin progress home with a care kit specific to you as recommended by our skin-loving team.
From skin to within, there are certain nuggets of wisdom we can get from Women in Progress® like ourselves. Take what applies to your story now, save the rest for later, or share your own! Who knows who might find comfort in our life lessons as we go on our own unique journeys?
Thumbnail by Peter Kalonji (@peter_kp007) and jim hatch (@jimo6633) from Unsplash