Woman in Progress®️: Andi Arellano

Meet fellow Notion-and-rituals lover, Woman in Progress®️, Andi Arellano. Get a glimpse of her essentials here.

Simply Skin Woman in Progress - Andi Arellano

From Notion to time-blocking and hobby-collecting to get her creative juices flowing, Andi Arellano gives us a peek of what goes behind a twenty-something Woman in Progress®️ is like. What we admire about her? The rituals that work for her paired with the inner work to keep her going.

Tell us something about yourself!

Hi, I'm Andi! A 20-something figuring out my own place in this world. I have lots of interests and hobbies. I sometimes say that I collect hobbies but definitely, I like getting my creative juices flowing! If I'm not rearranging and redecorating my room, I'm probably on Pinterest looking for inspiration on anything and everything. When I have more energy, I like to sew or film little clips of my daily life— which may never see the light of day! But like most 20-somethings, I do have a regular job and I'm currently doing PR for a beauty brand.

Where or which aspect of your life do you want to see progress in?

I'm working on slowing down and being more compassionate towards myself. Which involves a lot of inner work! I'm the type to have spreadsheets and trackers for every single aspect of my life— may it be my finances, my goals & habits, my tasks for the week, and even my shopping wishlist! You name it, and I probably have a page for it on my Notion. It definitely keeps me on track to build the life I want for myself but it also gets extremely overwhelming! So it's a daily struggle to remind myself to breathe and enjoy life.

Simply Skin Facials - Andi Arellano

Share with us your most recent, proudest win (big or small!)

Getting a personal trainer and signing up for a foreign language class! While I do a lot of manifesting and planning on the side, it takes a bit more courage and energy for me to really commit to things. I think this was a big win for me!

Talk us through your favorite routine (day or night).

I'm a morning person and my mornings are sacred to me. I love waking up when everything is still and quiet. I wake up at 6 AM and I do the usual— do my skincare, brush my teeth, change out of my pajamas, and fix my bed. If time permits, I would take a 30-min walk or do a full workout session! After that, I eat breakfast. I usually eat breakfast in my room and listen to my favorite playlist or watch something on YouTube. It helps me unwind and mentally prepare myself for the day!

Once I'm done, I usually fix my calendar for the day (I'm trying out time blocking) and then read for 15 minutes. When 9 AM strikes, that's when I officially log into work.

A tale of taking things at her own pace from sparking new habits to to-do lists. Here’s what Andi Arellano finds essential for keeping track of progress and being open to inspiration on the daily—

Creativity, growth & progress

Read: Sadly, I haven't read as much as I would like to these past few years. I recently read Soo-Hyun Kim's I Decided to Live As Me. Lots of practical advice for young adults like me and has cute illustrations so it's not as daunting for someone who is starting to take up reading as a hobby. Hot tip: Jungkook from BTS was spotted reading this book!

Podcast: I love podcasts! Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain, No Stupid Questions by Freakonomics Radio, How To Fail with Elizabeth Day, Life Kit by NPR

Mantra: ”Be kind. To yourself, to others, and the world. Preferably, in that order!”

Inspiration: I honestly find inspiration everywhere! From Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and even my friends & family. :)


Simply Skin Laser Treatments - Andi Arellano


Skin: Ultimate Clear Power Duo + The Ordinary Niacinamide (holy grail!)

App: Honestly? Tiktok. Probably should lessen my screen time there but let's be real— it's a rabbit hole and it has content for every niche!

Movement: I love going on walks! Pair it with your favorite playlist or podcast, and you're good to go! I also started exercising with @casa.atletica— check them out on Instagram.

Unwind: Cleaning and rearranging my room. A clean space always helps! Decluttered space = decluttered mind,


Snack On-Hand: I'm not really a snacker but it would probably be cheese, a pastry, or some kind of fruit.

Drink: Matcha latte if I'm feeling fancy, but usually I just have water.

Desk essential: A notebook or post-its. I always need to make lists so I don't get too overwhelmed with all the things I need to do

Art/decor: My favorite decor in my room is definitely a painting by my mom - it's even older than me!

To you, a Woman in Progress®️ is:

Someone who is intentional in everything she does. She is a woman living on her own terms and creating a life of meaning and purpose. A woman who is not afraid of letting go of things that no longer serve her and pursuing things that make her feel alive.

Get to know more about Andi Arellano via @andirarellano

Find out more about her treatment of choice and how it could help you in your own story— find out more about the Ultimate Clear Power Duo.

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