Photography by Howen from Unsplash
There was a time when facials meant coming home with mixed feelings about the whole experience. In the past, going in for a facial meant getting the usual skin-pricking session that promises to give us all the skin perks, and noticing it could fall short of our expectations. However, with all the new developments with skin, getting a facial could feel more complicated— and for good reasons, too.
Because skincare is different today than years before, more and more facials have risen along with the wave of skincare products that seem unending. On the one hand, we're grateful for the technology and discoveries as there are always ways to get closer to our skin goals. But, the number of choices could easily overwhelm us and sway us to whatever could catch the most skin goals that might not even align with ours in the first place or aren't the best match with our lifestyle. That is why getting customized, tailored-to-us facial cuts all the difficulties so that being in skin progress is a little easier for us.
Here's how we do personalized facials at Simply Skin, and how each step will set your good skin free®️:
A personalized facial or customized facial allows you to make the most out of your skin sessions with a unique approach tailored only to your skin needs, lifestyle, and goals. It lets go of conventional catch-it-all and generalized treatments for a more custom approach to skin. Each session could look different for everyone as it focuses on matching you with the right treatments and products for the best results.
Starts from the root
Step 1 - Expert Cleanse
Photography by nilufar natttaq from Unsplash
Most facials get you started immediately with the treatment you came in for, but we ensure you begin with a cleansed and prepped base every time.
Because there's more to the skin than meets the eye, getting you started with a hydradermabrasion facial that gently but effectively takes out any congestion, dead skin cells, and leftover dirt (aka the usual culprits that cause whiteheads, blackheads, and breakouts.) The no-pricking route means you're not adding unnecessary skin trauma. Just thorough cleansing with a unique hydrating approach that prevents other skin needs from coming up.
Targets your needs
Step 2 - Your Treatment of Choice
With the help of easy-to-access skin checks and well-trained skin experts that care just as much as you do about your skin, we recommend handpicked treatments to help you with your skin goals.
Our tailored-to-you treatments range from comprehensive, no-pricking facials to crowd-favorite laser treatments designed specifically for different skin types and needs. That means you're sure that whatever you want to achieve with your skin is the top priority. Think of it like match-making but with the best skin technology and practices. We listen to your top priority, lifestyle, and needs, then ensure we match you with a treatment that focuses on and targets those!
Get your initial skin match for your Step 2 — Treatment of Choice
Ends with at-home progress
Step 3 - Your Aftercare at Home
Photography by José Ignacio González Pansiera from Unsplash
Often, we're much more worried about the care that comes after getting our facials.
With the time, effort, and resources you dedicate to finding the best facials that match your skin goals, your want to ensure we don't counteract or reverse any of the good your facials do. That's why we make sure that you're well-guided by our skin experts for aftercare dos and don'ts and the best in-house product recommendations meant to help heal the skin and progressively prevent any of what you came in for from coming back. We make sure to pay attention to your skin, the treatment you just had, and the general way you go about your daily life to come up with personalized recommendations to boost and prop up your skin progress. That way, you know how to keep track of it even when you step out of Our Spaces. No guessing games here!
Whether you’re new to facials or someone who’s been into more advanced approaches to skin, getting a customized or personalized facial elevates your typical skin dates into something more effective. By focusing on what you need and not making you fit into treatments that simply don’t fit you, you’re putting your time, effort, and resources into something more productive and worthy of committing to. Try it out for yourself and see the difference a personalized Three-Step Journey could do.