Photography by Elia Pellegrini (@eliapelle) from Unsplash
Whenever we think about recalibrating our routines, it somehow always starts with doing something in the morning.
It's true. Setting the tone for the day can sometimes affect how we go about our day. Often, however, we feel like having a morning routine could be too much, especially when not everyone can commit to overwhelming multi-step rituals, and waking up ahead can often make the busiest bee wary. These are all valid but should never hinder you from trying a morning routine. Here are a few mindset shifts to help you:
Do something manageable. Try not to aim too high and do a morning overhaul. Start with one habit to commit to for the first week. Take off from there. Build.
It doesn't have to be elaborate. A morning routine doesn't have to be complicated. Do what you can in the time you can dedicate to yourself. Remember, the morning is just part of the day— and while you can do a lot, you don't have to do everything during that time.
Allow variety. If you're the type who finds routines to be monotonous, you're allowed to change it up as you go! Try it out with what you do, or follow a loose schedule of when to change things up.
If you're ready to start a morning practice to set your tone for the whole day, you can try out these few favorites.
Do something you enjoy.
Photography by Mathilde Langevin (@mathildelangevin) from Unsplash
Although morning routines create more structure in our lives, it doesn't mean it always has to be strict or devoid of joy. Even a 30-second act that sparks delight in the morning could make a difference to your day. Try it out with these simple ones according to your love language:
Acts of service. Make your bed as soon as you get up for a clutter-free environment when you settle in for the night.
Quality time. Create your favorite drink momentously. Savor a few minutes of quiet & intentional focus on yourself as you do.
Words of Affirmation. Say at least one manifestation for the day out loud. Make sure to ground it with how you can make it possible.
Physical Touch. Try out gentle movement or anything that could get your body moving— stretches, a walk, or your favorite gym routine, as long as you enjoy it!
Gift-giving. Give yourself a filling or nourishing meal, or tap into nostalgia by making your childhood favorites.
Tap the power of lists.
Photography by Mathilde Langevin (@mathildelangevin) from Unsplash
Although listing down tasks for the day could seem like a standard practice, there's much power a list could do to put you in momentum.
The trick: try to skip vague tasks (or feelings!) and focus on three at a time. Materialize what you want to achieve for the day. If it's to reach a deadline— break it down into smaller tasks and name them. If you want to have it as your focus, just to set it as a north star to your day, break it down into three. That way, when you proceed, you know what exactly you're grasping for and how to do it. Note, however, that your to-do lists are just to put your more pressing goals into action. You don't have to make a list for the whole day, especially when you're the type who enjoys leeway!
Start at the root— at night.
Photography by Martina Bombardieri (@martinaab) from Unsplash
Easier said than done, sometimes the best morning routine to set us up for the best momentum starts hours before our alarms ring.
Although it's ideal to have a full eight hours of sleep, sometimes life could get in the way and give us fewer hours of a good night's sleep. With that, it all boils down to hours. Perhaps we get eight hours in, but we'd wake up tired. Then it might be a question of restfulness or how deep our sleep gets. Try to calibrate your nights the best you can— setting all electronics away an extra thirty minutes to sleep or adding little things to your bedroom to improve your sleep quality could do wonders. Slowly, you'll feel less intimidated or less dreary when setting your alarm off. Do it slowly on days when you can manage it, and you'll see & feel the difference.
Although morning routines could feel intimidating at first, there’s nothing like finding the right one that suits you and your lifestyle the best and seeing how it affects your day— and life. Remember to try out a few mindset shifts first before heading straight on to creating a routine. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll see the power in it.
See what the power of routine could do for skin.