Three Things We're Trying Out For Progress For What's Within

Progress we see should always equal progress inside. Here’s what we’re trying out for deep within betterment ->

Photography by Elia Pellegrini (@eliapelle) from Unsplash

Over the span of a few years mid-pandemic, we might have developed a knack for finding hobbies and activities that give us a sense of grounding amidst the uncertainty.

In the flurry of finding the best routines and hobbies, we might look back at our journey so far and notice only tangible or vivid. Cue in the yoga poses we were able to level up to or the classes we took to take our minds off what was going on. Let's not forget the number of food trends we tried and the plants we adopted at home to give us a sense of comfort.

There was a deep longing to get a sense of security through what seemed tangible and in our reach. Then came the realizations and moments of clarity of what we truly wanted; our priorities and what mattered. Before we knew it, we took bits and pieces of those to create the routines we enjoy now for a journey of progress in a slightly different world.

It's been a while since we delved into whipped coffees and our routines are now more attuned to the type of journey we want moving forward. We might have moments, though, when we forget the all-important internal aspect that should come with each routine. We have just the thing to get you back on it, coming from Women in Progress® like you:

Morning journaling

Photography by by Mathilde Langevin (@mathildelangevin) from Unsplash

We first learned of morning journaling while scrolling online. The whole notion caught us off-guard, especially since we're all big fans of journaling (hello, gratitude exercises!) It's only then that we noticed we do most of it to end the day— a way to recoup and recount.

Morning journaling gave us another way to look at it. Julia Cameron shared that it's a great way to clear your head and make way for creative juices to flow as it's one of the first things we'd dedicate our time to. It made complete sense. Often, we take on the day with leftover thoughts from the night before or emotions we haven't processed yet, so materializing it helps us concretize and make way for the day!

Going intuitive

Simply Skin Facial Treatments - Modern, dried flower arrangements

Photography by Aakanksha Panwar (@aakanksha_panwar) from Unsplash

We're all about hearing out what our body needs, but how often do we respond to them?

If you're feeling a little unsure about how you approach your needs, you're not alone! Before the concept of intuition, there was an unhealthy (and unkind) perception of how we saw food and rest. To us, feeling bogged down mid-day at work meant laziness when it's actually a signal to take it slow and have a quick break. When it came to food, healthy diets were synonymous with restricting when cravings and hunger are really signs from our body that we need certain nutrients or energy. It was trusting that our bodies know what it needs for us to start again. All these became clearer when we understood listening to our intuition— and we noticed we've become kinder to ourselves, too!

Progress sharing

Photography by by Jessica Felicio (@jekafe) from Unsplash

What was impossible a couple of years ago is slowly becoming possible now. While meeting online became a way of connecting with the people we care about the most, we definitely missed the experience of sharing an experience with them.

If you're looking for an experience you can share with someone, try to go for activities you both feel safe doing that could put all parties in the mood for progress. By sharing your progress, you feel like you're not alone. No matter how different your journey would look from the people you decide to share it with.

Share a playlist while working together, or go for a skin-loving experience at Simply Skin with our shareable, easy-to-keep Progress Plans.

Remember that routines require intentional inner work— more than what we already get from the steps we take for progress! While we learn from those, too, we enrich ourselves even more when we look at what's within. Try it out for yourself and see & feel the progress from there.

Thumbnail by Elia Pellegrini (@eliapelle) and Aakanksha Panwar (@aakanksha_panwar) from Unsplash

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