Woman in Progress®️: Akina Basinillo

A journey that’s happier and more her is one of the things that Woman in Progress®️ Akina Basinillo saw worthy of pursuing after tuning into what she needs. Discover her essentials in her journey so far.

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In true Woman in Progress®️ fashion, Akina Basinillo lets us in on where her path led her when she tuned in to what she wanted. With the right amount of bravery and introspection, she’s now on her way to a journey of progress that felt more like her— making her happier on the way.

Tell us something about yourself!

Ola! I’m Akina but you can call me “Aki.” I have been a content creator for almost a year now. I love to be surrounded by the people I care about the most. You’ll find me easygoing because I know how to be content and grateful for the little things in life; yet I am also bold because I know how to stand up for myself and for the things that I want. I have tattoos that represent me— a flamingo on my wrist symbolizes growth and beauty & a sparkling tattoo on my right ankle so I carry and leave my sparkle everywhere I go.

I used to have a corporate job for three years and sometimes I auditioned for TVCs and Digital Ad before doing content creation. I was happy with my job but I always felt like something was missing. I decided to quit and do what I wanted even just for fun. And now I am happier in what I do, grateful for what I have, and for what I can achieve in the future. I dared to let go of what hinders my progress, and move toward my purpose.

Where or which aspect of your life do you want to see progress in?

In my case, for the past 2 years, I made a lot of progress that includes both personal and professional growth— but I’m still longing for more. In my everyday life, I make sure to have progress with the things that I’ve been working on, specifically my physical and mental health.

Share with us your most recent, proudest win (big or small!)

My proudest win is starting a new journey—I left my corporate job and started being a content creator. Getting out of my comfort zone all by myself, I can finally do what my heart desires & do what I love without any hesitations. I can say that I’ve never been this sure and happy!

Talk us through your favorite routine (day or night).

I love both my day and night routines. My mornings often vary depending on my plans for the day. I start my day right by drinking a glass of apple cider with honey, eating breakfast, and listening to music because these give me the energy I need to seize the day! Nighttime is my favorite part of the day, where I can rest after a long tiring day and be ready to face tomorrow! I’ll eat my dinner then do some light exercise, freshen up then go to bed. At night, I can relax and open my mind, recall the things I did for the day, and plan for the coming days. I always end the day with a positive reflection because no matter how difficult things get, tomorrow is a fresh opportunity to make it better.

See what content creator Akina Basinillo has in her day-to-day to keep her going— complete with change-making reads & mantras to keep her in the mood for progress:

Creativity, growth & progress

Read: The Difference Maker by John C. Maxwell & Atomic Habits by James Clear

Podcast: Paano ba ‘To: The Podcast

Mantra: “I’m getting better every day.”

Inspiration: I am inspired by the people who have stories to tell— who inspire people to live, not just to exist like Ms. Pearl Hung & Dr. Gia Sison!


Simply Skin Facial Treatments for Pigmented Skin - Woman in Progress Akina Basinillo

Skin: Clearlift Treatment + Moisturizer & Sunscreen

App: Spotify (I love music! It can change my mood just like one snap!)

Movement: My go-to work is running on the treadmill and doing some squats.

Unwind: When I feel like I need some air, I go out and eat my favorite food! But the best unwind for me is going to the beach with the people I love.


Snack On-Hand: Chips

Drink: Water is everything! But I still have my favorite drinks that I have at home such as coffee and strawberry pineapple which I had a limit to drink for some reason.

Desk essential: Notepad and Pen

Art/decor: Aside from my 6ft mirror in my room, dried flowers are my favorite decor! It’s a new kind of beauty I wanna see every day— they are very low maintenance yet it’s still beautiful!

To you, a Woman in Progress®️ is:

Someone who’s not afraid of rejection and is brave enough to try everything she wants to.

Meet Akina Basinillo via @akinabasi

Find out more about her treatment of choice and how it could help you in your own story— find out more about the Clearlift Laser Treatment.

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