How the Right Face Massage Will Refresh and Depuff Your Face

Our fix to puffy-faced days.


Whether you’re a newbie when it comes to skincare or someone who’s been exploring it for a while— one thing’s for sure: we’ve encountered days when our face is puffier than usual. 

Face puffiness, or face bloating is caused mainly by water retention. Usually, the water we take should flow and get distributed to our body with the excess flushed out. However, certain factors like our diet, genetics, and lifestyle could hinder that natural process. This might be something we encounter when we experience PMS, too.

The Fix: A Face Massage


Like the rest of our body, our face also requires a little more TLC that’s, quite literally, skin deep. When we know we have an ache in our body, we try to find a remedy to it. Usually, we’ll find the trusty ointment works fine but, we could always take that up a notch with a good massage.

Your face also works the same way, especially when it comes to depuffing your face. Treating yourself to a face massage gives it the extra boost it needs to help the excess water to flow along. It wakes your skin, promoting blood circulation, and adds an overall healthier glow. Studies even show that, with the right tools and way to do it, it could slow down the emergence of fine lines and wrinkles.

Where do we start?


A face massage is something you could easily add to your skincare routine. An additional minute or two in your regime, when done regularly, could minimize the occurrence of face puffiness.

This is where we draw the line between a body and face massage. For a quick fix to our body aches, we could usually wing it by applying pressure to where it hurts. Giving yourself a face massage is entirely different because it requires technique and the right touch. We’re not supposed to tug or stretch our skin when applying makeup and skincare, so it’s best to keep that in mind when giving yourself a face massage.

Find what works for you through videos online with the time you have to include it in your skincare routine. Just make sure you cover all the parts of your face to make sure it receives all the benefits of a face massage.

The Expert Touch


A face massage sounds daunting, especially since it requires more care and technique. If this is uncharted territory for you or something you'd like to find out more about, it's best to find the right people who could do it for you or let you experience the right way to do it. 

When it comes to face massages, we should be able to find skincare experts who we could trust not only with doing our facials but with minding what's truly best for us and our skin. That means these skincare experts pour in the time and effort to do things the right and best way: what amount of pressure to apply to make sure your skin gets the benefits of a massage without risking the woes of stretching or tugging it, which areas to focus on, and what kind of equipment to use to deliver the best, most effective results. 


The Essential Facial experience guarantees this. The skincare experts who curated this treatment make sure that every step contributes to meeting your skincare needs. 

Each stroke perfectly targets the parts of your face that tend to need an extra boost when it comes to blood circulation that will bring back your hidden glow. This treatment makes sure that the face massage encourages your skin to soak up the goodness in your chosen serums and masks— a treat because it's something you'll appreciate when you care for your skin even after your treatment! What’s great is that they won’t skimp on the steps and the best technology to give you results you could feel. Imagine this: a lifted, refreshed feel, like our face let out a big sigh of relief after a tough week— and that’s only part of what you’ll get from this facial.

A bonus? Our skincare experts make you feel so at ease that it becomes something to look forward to on its own! For the best turnout, we recommend you do this at least twice a month to fully see what your skin feels and looks like at its best. 

*formerly known as The Ultimate Modern Facial

Because puffiness could be something we could reduce with a face massage, pair this along with a couple of tweaks you could make in your lifestyle. Regular visits to a trusted skin place could also help reduce this while giving you a lifted, youthful glow. Aside from that, you'll slowly learn what to expect when it comes to treatments: only the best for your skin in every step.

Disclaimer: face puffiness could also be a result of an underlying health condition. If this is the case, kindly visit your doctor.

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