How Small Changes in Your Workspace Could Boost Your WFH Productivity

Our tips for a productive workspace.


Our lives have shifted greatly over the past few months, and working from home has become the default for those who are fortunate enough to not report to the office daily. 

While being able to work at home is a privilege, adjusting to a new environment posed itself as a struggle to some of us who are still new to it. It gets tough because now more than ever, the line between work and rest has been blurred. We’ve temporarily said goodbye to being able to step outside the office for a cup of coffee or being able to discover new places that have the perfect ambiance to help you with that deadline. Some of us, on the other hand, miss the feeling of togetherness with co-workers in a break room.

We realize now more than ever how impactful some places and spaces are. We’ve grown to associate some of them with work and productivity; serving as boundaries. 

While it's hard to replicate the same feeling at home, we’ve rounded up the little things you could do to make your WFH set-up work. What's great about it? These are small changes you could make that pack a punch.

Designate your space.


Working in bed is tempting since we used to dream about it when we were in our offices! We find that it’s best, though, if you could find a place in your home to make your official work area. It doesn’t have to be a whole room— it could even be just a few paces away from your bed!

This way, you get a clearer definition of when to start and when to rest. Arriving at your WFH ‘office’ would mean it’s time to work and leaving it means you're taking a break or done for the day. Make sure to take the breaks you need the way you do when you were in your office!

Add lights and elevation.


If back pain and eye strains were common before, what more now?

If you’ve turned your dining room table into your work area or if you’re finding your home office table a little uncomfortable, try adding lights. An adjustable desk lamp (even the clip-on ones!) could do the trick. The rule of thumb is to avoid putting it directly above you or behind you, making sure the light is soft and illuminates what you’re working on.

Aside from that, make sure your screen is level with your eyes to avoid straining your neck and back. Sometimes, no matter how conscious you are with keeping a good posture, having your screen lower will prompt you to adjust. If that's the case, you can add a desk riser to your set-up! There are even ones that you can adjust so that you could stand up while doing work every once in a while.

Get in touch with what you need.


We all work on different things and have our own approach to what we do.

Maybe you require more focus on your tasks, so you prefer a neutral and minimalist workspace— keeping it tidy to avoid any distractions. Perhaps you work more spontaneously, and you need to be surrounded by colors and inspiration. If that’s the case, find out which colors spark creativity in you the most. If you’re someone who liked stepping out of the office for a change of scenery, adding a plant near or on your desk could help!

Whatever your work approach is, take it more into consideration to make sure that your space meets your work needs.  

Our home environment, work industry, and life situations are all unique, but we share the need for sense and balance. Feel free to take just what you need and what you can do right now to make your workspace a place for productivity. 

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