How to Make Progress in Life by Learning How to Feel Good

Feeling good is a kindness we could give to ourselves— and a way to ensure progress in life.

Image from Simply Skin

Image from Simply Skin

We have been used to living in a cycle of do-and-reward. Before we get to unwind, we've always thought that we should do an enormous amount of grueling tasks before we could even dream of des it. We must always look for a reason to feel a spark of joy.

It is especially evident with how we see self-care. We see it as a reward at the end of tiring three months of work. For us to say we deserve it, there must always be a caveat of having to go through a rough time. Because of that, we feel like we're just running on a mill, chasing the next warm-lit beacon so we can savor its light until the next.

Try this: find ways on how you can feel good just because you can. Try not to find a reason why you should feel good, nor try to let the fear of what's not yet even in front of you take control. Here are some affirmations you as you switch to this mindset and how it could help you in your journey:

"I am allowed to feel good."

Image from Love Kate Inc.

Image from Love Kate Inc.

What's so beautiful about our community is that we all have different stories and backgrounds. We can all be in the same place and time yet have such a huge difference in what we experience in life. That makes it as complex as it is beautiful.

Regardless of whatever you're going through right now, you are allowed and worthy of taking the time to feel good. By doing so, you open yourself up to knowing what you want and what you enjoy— things you need as you go on your journey of progress. Allow yourself to explore what you could do for you to feel good, then find the right thing to take along with you. The Essential Facial fits the criteria with its flexibility and pro-better-you highlights. With choices to customize based on how you want you and your skin to be, every monthly date guarantees an experience (and result!) that feels and looks good!

"I can set tones and paces."

Image from Penney and Bennett

When we decide to feel good, we attract the same energy that we put out —the rest follows!

If we decide that Mondays are great, it can turn out great for us. How does that work? Since we've set our intentions on something positive, we'll try our best to work our own magic to make sure the steps we do lead towards that outlook. This is one way of practicing the act of setting ourselves up for a grounded yet positive outlook— making sure we do what we can to make sure our actions always align with the goals we set for ourselves.

"I don't need an elaborate reason."

Image from Simply Skin

Image from Simply Skin

Sometimes, we try to think of a thousand reasons to justify doing things that make us feel good. We have to come up with a by-the-books reason when we need a break when in reality, rest is so essential to make sure we're well-balanced. We have to have a reason behind self-care days when in fact, it should be something we get to give ourselves regularly.

Remind yourself that you don't need a grand reason to feel good. This little act of love gives us the chance and space to strike a balance in our lives. We need to enjoy the journey of progress without having to feel like we're only as good as what we've accomplished, or that we only get to enjoy what we deserve when we've reached a boiling point.

While we can see feeling good as an act of looking for balance, making this a regular part of our journey teaches us much more. It shows us that we can learn from ourselves without necessarily having to go through a struggle. It teaches us how to wield the power we have over certain aspects of our lives. Most of all, it teaches us that we're all worthy of progress that we can constantly learn from— and enjoy at the same time.

Thumbnail from NEHERA and Balanced Boss

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