What's In a Purchase? How Mindful Consumption Creates Progress For All

How do we contribute in progress we could feel as a community?

Whether you’re someone who has been practicing mindfulness or someone exposed to environmental issues, chances are, you might have heard of the term mindful consumption.

Much to our advantage, ease and convenience is something that has always been within our reach. When we need something, we can quickly search it up online and have it ordered right to our front door. Going from one place to another has been less troublesome, and pretty much anything that comes to our mind when it comes to technology will most likely be developed in years. Given that, with the world moving as fast-paced as it is right now, it is pretty easy to overlook the very aspects that make living in it possible.

In 2020, artists launched The Climate Clock. It became a big eye-opener as it highlighted how much time we have left before the damages on our planet become irreversible. This initiative calls people, especially the big industries, to take responsibility and put care into every step we take as individuals to save the very place we live in.

While giant companies have a high need to reassess their carbon footprint and make wiser choices, individual efforts could make the much-needed change for a cycle of climate-aware actions to take place. This is where mindful consumption comes in.

What is mindful consumption?

Image from OWA

Image from OWA

Mindfulness is a practice that helps us tap into a higher level of self-awareness— letting ourselves live in the present moment and move according to it. It allows us to hone the control we have.

This applies to the very notion of mindful consumption. It is practicing that consciousness and control with what you buy and allow in your life. It is considering who the company is. What are their goals? Their choices? It is valuing what goes into your buying process— from where and how the products were made to how it arrived or how you were able to receive them.

While our lifestyles and background could vary and make mindful consumption a bit more challenging, there are ways on how we can integrate it in a way that suits our way of living. Much like the practice of mindfulness in your daily life, you can start small, eventually working up to have it as a sustainable and essential part of your decision-making. Here are some ways you can start mindfully consuming:

Practice intentional buying.

With such a wide variety of choices to choose from in the market, it's sometimes easier to skip the careful decision-making and opt for the less expensive and more convenient choice. While we all love a good bargain, we might tend to see the short-term satisfaction we get from it. This is something we all find ourselves doing once in a while. We find ourselves buying things we realize we don't even need.

Try to break that habit by making sure every purchase comes with the intention of you using it or fulfilling a need. Why do you need this? What need does it fulfill? Do I need this at this very moment, or can I wait and opt for a better, more fulfilling option?

Support local.

Image from REN_Marble

Image from REN_Marble

On your next fruit-and-vegetable restock, try to visit your local market to support the farmers and sellers. You may also try looking for Instagram businesses from local creators and designers for your next purchase.

Chances are, these local crafters and growers practice fairness by making sure everyone in the process of getting your item to your doorstep or within your reach are being paid fairly. Aside from that, you get to support and encourage livelihoods that have significantly less of an environmental impact.

Move in bulk.

Image from SAHAN

Image from SAHAN

While carpooling might not be entirely possible right now, the best way you can ease your way into mindful consumption is by buying things in bulk. This is especially useful when something is a must and a regular buy on your list. By doing this, you help cut back on the packaging that may or may not be recycled or disposed of properly once it gets out of our hands.

While bulk-buying for your grocery items might be something you're looking into in the future rather than now, you can try it on your next online shopping. Instead of buying from multiple stores, try to find one that gives you the most items to help cut back on parcel waste. Another method is asking your friends or family if they've been looking to buy the same things on your shopping list so you could order together and save on plastic.

Consider long-term.

Image from Simply Skin

Image from Simply Skin

We tend to find the quick fix for solutions that call for a more long-lasting one. Because of this, we end up consuming more than we wanted. What could have been poured into something easier to keep and more long-lasting would have gone to waste (aside from the lesson learned, of course.)

When you next decide to purchase, try to think whether what you buy will be something you'll be able to enjoy for a long time. Whether this is a piece of clothing or a service, try to see if you can find an option that allows you to invest both your time and resources into something that will surely give the satisfaction you're looking for for a period of time that's surely worth it.

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Mindful consumption gives us the ability to reclaim our power over our way of living. The effects extend beyond our current way of living to the future that we all should be able to share. By slowly practicing mindful consumption, we progress not only as individuals but as a community. To us, that is the kind of progress we should also aspire to have.

Thumbnail photos from CN Traveller and Alexis C Studio

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