Feel Real Progress by Embracing These Three Things This 2021

The new year offers us hope. Here’s what we’re doing to make the best out of it in the name of progress.

Every start of the year promises an abundance of hope for what’s to come. It’s a time where we could shed off the weight of last year's heaviness— a period of making plans from our lessons learned.

This 2021 offers that feeling more intensely. As we all took a collective sigh of relief when the clock struck midnight, we looked back at the good and reflected on what we could do better. While the start of the year offers a moment where we could leave the bad behind, it's important to remember that it might be what will push us to move forward. After all, progress is real and raw that way (that's why we're embracing it over perfection!)— it never highlights just the pretty parts.

For real growth and change this year, here's what else we should embrace:

Seeing and noticing what makes the big picture.

When we think of well-loved paintings like The Girl with a Pearl Earring or even Starry Night, we immediately get an image in our heads of what it looks like overall. We think of the whole painting instantly. Now, imagine if you take off the tinier things that make the whole work of art: the strokes, the signs of the years on its surface, or the colors. It wouldn't feel or look the same at all.

This year, try to think of your life as a painting. Notice every little thing that makes it exactly as it is. What do you like? Do they make you feel good? Are they helping you achieve who you want to be? Carry these with you as you go through the year. For ones you're not so sure of, ask: Do they help you grow? Do they contribute to the grand scheme of achieving your goals? What could be better?

Notice, then act upon these small things— they'll ultimately make up for progress you'll see and feel, in and out!

Owning your progress and everything that surrounds it.

Your journey is uniquely yours, so claim it! Be proud of whatever trial and triumph you've experienced. With enough conscious effort, you'll be building a version of yourself that you've envisioned.

Aside from taking pride in your progress, remember that owning it means you no longer allow others' progress to dictate how yours is going. Remember, all our stories are unique. Owning your progress is living this truth. By doing so, you're granting yourself the chance to evolve in a way that takes your lifestyle, situation, and personality into account with no shame and no holding back. You'll pursue things that truly contribute to who you want to be because we know it should never be the other way around.

Try to carry this energy in every aspect of your life this year and see where it takes you.

Fostering the desire to keep going.

To keep going means to evolve and grow and maintaining the mindset that it can be a slower process than we expected.

Like all roads, you're bound to have pit stops, detours, and hurdles. To get to the destination you'd like to get to, you have to face them head-on in your own way, the best way you can. This year try to realize that the very act of enduring and persisting is as beautiful as the destination itself. Keep it balanced by accepting and acknowledging the feelings you'll get when you face the challenges, take mental notes as you go, and move in a way that suits you.

Slowly (but surely) let this mindset grow in you this 2021. As you move forward, it will radiate to the other parts of your life. You'll pursue things that are as beautiful and worthwhile as the journey you're currently taking.

One of the biggest things to embrace this year is your ability to take full control of certain aspects of your life. While there's so much in the world that we can't fully take charge of, seize the opportunity for the ones you can.

Introduce these thoughts into your life and see where it takes you as your work your way to a better you this 2021. We'll be cheering on you as you go.

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