Different Kinds of Progress You Made This Year That's Worth Celebrating

In case you need a little reminder.

A big chunk of our generation is accustomed to revolving successes and hoorays to huge milestones and achievements. However, 2020 proved that we should start celebrating the more mundane wins too.

With the year giving us a big curveball to our overall flow of life, we might have found comfort in tuning in to things we've forgotten to pay more attention to or revisiting hobbies that have been on hold for the hustle and bustle of life. For some, it might have been a time to build better habits to carry for the next time we could put our plans and to-dos into action.

While these may not be the wins that we put down on our New Year's resolutions, these were all products of grit and strength in a challenging and unprecedented time. In case you need reminding, here are things you may have done this year that's worth giving huge cheers to:

You made your bed every morning

This might seem like a small thing, but for most people, pre-pandemic days called for a lifestyle that might have urged us to be out the door as soon as possible.

Because we spent most of this year cooped up at home, this little act of love sets our day— a resolution to get up from bed even on days where we don't feel like it. On top of that? We might find this a habit that's hard to abandon once we can safely leave our homes. To more habits that set your day!

You tried to get moving

Trust us when we say fitness can be a little intimidating, especially when you're expecting particular results at a specific time. On top of that, we might feel scared to try it out after skipping the usual movement for a while, afraid that our bodies won't deliver once put in a challenge. If you braved through those worries to try to get yourself moving despite the current stillness of life, whether that meant exploring different exercises or spending some time to do more physically taxing everyday tasks, you got to give the TLC your body needs!

Finding what your body responds well to and setting your own pace given the current circumstances takes time and consciousness, and it's something to be proud of. To that, we're pouring a glass and raising them up for you!

You unlocked a new skill

The truth of the pandemic among other things: more time on our hands.

Some may have found themselves fortunate enough to confine themselves in a WFH setup, which might have given a little leeway to revisit old passions or find new hobbies. That's a feat in itself! Maybe you picked up a knack for crafts or developed a green thumb, or perhaps you discovered how to take full breaks after reflecting that you've been caught in the rush and chase of life— these are all skills you might have unlocked that's worthy of a celebration.

Take pride in the steps you take to discover something you enjoy doing and consider it a step towards courage as we often find ourselves scared to try something we're unfamiliar with.

You experienced something new for the first time

This year was full of the unknown. Although it left us a little clueless on what to do, we reach its end with new experiences that are worth writing about in the books— from first online hangouts to celebrate quarantine birthdays to trying your hand at preparing and cooking homemade meals, or maybe welcoming in a bundle of joy and took on the role of 'mom' for the first time.

Take a pause and look back at your firsts, throwing away the need to classify them and celebrate how you were able to take them on. These are testaments of your strength and your ability to recognize what you can do for yourself to adapt to a new world.

You welcomed new habits

This meant letting go of ones that did us no good. Whether it was dedicating a social media detox every few months after realizing you spend too much time online (to the point of exhaustion!) or saying goodbye to skincare routines that you've relied on for so long (without realizing it really hasn't worked for you for quite some time) to make way for something that works—it meant being open to long-lasting ones that wouldn't feel like a chore but a celebration in itself.

It's bidding goodbye to things that should and could be better in the pursuit of results you could own.

These shouldn't go unnoticed as you look back on an unexpected year that collectively challenged all of us. These were the acts of self-love and awareness that will ultimately help you make steadier, maybe even bolder, steps towards a better you. Even after this year, let's foster celebrating our progress, no matter how big or small they are.

We're with you as you continue to grow into who and where you want to be. Cheers to you and the progress you made this year! 🥂

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