Four Achievable Goals For Every Woman To Ensure Progress

Reaching your more tangible goals is great— but here’s how we can elevate the experience on the way to achieve them even more.

Image from Oscar Piccolo

Image from Oscar Piccolo

Setting goals for yourself is one thing we all know.

It's giving ourselves a nod to the future, an acknowledgment of the potential that we have for the better. May it be completing a master's degree or having your own family, these goals help us make a parting to a path that we ultimately want to take in life— all in the name of being able to reach those goals.

While every woman has a different set of goals from having different backgrounds and lifestyles, we should take steps to ensure we achieve them without losing sight of those goals and who we are. That is why we try to make what we're trying to fulfill more manageable by breaking them down into littler, yet more specific goals that turn our bigger ones less daunting. On top of our bigger goals broken into smaller ones, it's best to make acquiring traits part of our target (or a pit stop on our journeys.) Doing this ensures that we consciously train our minds to welcome progress no matter what goals we have in life. Our suggestions? Trying to fulfill the goals below:

The courage to start, no matter what.

Image from Arena

Image from Arena

Being courageous doesn't always look like taking a big leap from one point in life to another. Sometimes, it's overcoming the fear of being disappointed— an expectation that keeps you from starting again.

When we get the courage to start (or start again) no matter where we are in life or when we're able to do so, it gives us the ability to open doors and come one step closer to achieving our goal knowing we had the strength to make the first one.

A mindset that knows when to pause. Or stop.

Image from Sam Livingston

Image from Sam Livingston

We admit, in the pursuit of getting to our goals, we forget to take the necessary pauses. Sometimes, we even overlook the importance of knowing when to stop.

Don't worry. We've been used to keep going almost to the point of burning out and guilt-tripped for the breaks we take (sometimes by ourselves!) That is something we should break.

While it's nice that we have the patience to see things through, what comes with this practice is knowing when we should halt to reflect on how we've done so far. That puts the prime on what we do and how we do things instead of how fast we do it. Aside from that, it helps us see if what we're doing roots for us and our goals instead of against it. With courage to start, we know that there's always an opportunity to find a door that leads us to a better way to achieve our goals.

The patience to see things through.

Image from Behance

Image from Behance

Think of a time when you made plans for yourself but had to put them for later. Because of life's circumstances or wanting to put others first, it gets buried and filed under 'for someday' instead.

While this is sometimes unavoidable, give yourself an allowance to let yourself put what's important to you as a priority. By doing so, you don't end up feeling spent and burned out or feeling like you missed out on something that could have been a fulfilling moment.

As the saying goes, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Even if you put being of service to others within your goals, give yourself the space to put yourself at the center. Strive for that balance.

A set of standards that fits who you are and what you want.

You don't just deserve the best when you reach your ultimate goal. Conditioning your mind to have standards that are uniquely yours and are for your goals is necessary. It finetunes what's important to you, and makes sure that your journey is the way you want it.

Having a set of standards allows you to determine what's in-line with you. It allows you to see what's best for you without compromises— helping you say no to things that you don't work in your journey's favor and practice doing the work to find what does.

Practice it with your skin goals. You and your skin deserve solutions that work towards letting out the better skin in you without the non-sense, no compromises involved. The right solutions for you take your unique progress into account— making it flexible enough to take with you no matter where you are in your journey but follow through with its promise: skin that you'll feel good in and skin that keeps getting better on the way.

Simply Skin's range of facial treatments allows you to reach your skin goals, all within what every Woman in Progress® deserves. With treatments that don't skimp on the best technology and practices to accommodate you and your skin, you'll be able to find the right one to bring out the potential in your skin. Each treatment done with care ensures that you'll be able to see and celebrate every step towards skin progress, and with the help of receptive, expert nurse therapists that know how to tend to your needs in the best way possible, you're sure to feel how your standards align.

Finding how important these four things are in your journey adds additional destinations on your road to progress. Despite that, these goals are the ones that we could be most proud of since we get to carry them throughout all aspects of life. Bonus? It excludes no woman. It's achievable for every Woman in Progress®.

Thumbnail photos from Simply Skin and Flickr

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