Three Habits To Honor Your Wellness

How much attention are you putting on keeping habits for your well-being?

Image from Simply Skin

Image from Simply Skin

Habit-keeping is essential for reaching the highest version of yourself.

They're the building blocks—no matter how small— that help you get to where you want to be. It may be practicing a skill, working on our daily tasks, each varying for every Woman in Progress to make sure each habit takes us one step further, or it makes it easier for us to reach our goals. When it all boils down to it, how much of the habits we keep attribute to keeping our well-being?

According to Rhitu Chatterjee, the COVID-19 lockdown has created, if not added, more stress to our daily life. This stress could lead to fatigue and exhaustion, making it harder to remember things that would come naturally. According to the mental health correspondent, this is a normal response heightened even more since we collectively feel it. For this, she recommends keeping habits that help us honor our sanity and well-being in an otherwise difficult time. Here's where you can start:

Planning your next moves. And your pauses.

Image from Oak and Fort

Image from Oak and Fort

Planning is the name of the game back when we were on our feet. Our breaks were in minutes. Sometimes even exchanged with even more hours at work. While this gives us the needed structure to our day and actually improves the quality of work we put out, we often don't find much importance to having rest planned out— and followed through.

If you have a hard time turning off completely, try not to restrict yourself to when and how you should have your breaks. When you feel like your mind has been foggier, step back. Do something you genuinely enjoy (something unrelated to what you usually do works wonders!), or step outside to breathe. Switch it up as much as you'd like. Leave space to explore, and who knows what might bring you solace and delight?

Start somewhere:

  • having 'creativity' or 'refresh' breaks aside from your lunch hour

  • plan regular trips that you'll look forward to— giving you and your skin a break

Set, set, set.

Image from Architonic

Image from Architonic

How willing we are when accepting online meetings and brainstorming sessions should also be how we act towards our boundaries.

For situations we could control, we should be able to practice honoring our boundaries. It's no stranger to us when we find ourselves in circumstances where we compromise this with the thought that not being up 24/7 is shame-worthy or that saying no to something might take us one step back. Before we know it, we've built our own culture of guilt that becomes harder and harder to break. While it's a privilege to say no, leave space for you as well no matter how small. It's never insignificant.

While some people find comfort in constantly being there for others, setting a healthy line between yourself and others is always ideal. Know what you're willing to give to others and yourself. Pour from a filled (and fulfilled) cup.

Start somewhere:

  • supporting businesses whose views you support wholeheartedly

  • shutting off your notifications during the weekends

Move in different ways.

From high-intensity workouts to the little stretches we do in the morning, moving our bodies has always been a sure way to boost our mood and energy.

Allow yourself to explore which one gives you the most fulfillment and contentment. Your goal? To celebrate what you can do with your body. Although it might be a challenge to put aside targets, make moving something you find comfortable. Maybe it's through dancing or taking a short walk (even spending time in the garden's a great way to get yourself moving!)

Get moving in other aspects of life as you make your way to improving your wellness. Try to help Women in Progress®️ whose well-being may not be something they could easily prioritize when you can. Engage yourself in learning about issues and see what small thing you can do. Not one movement towards progress for everyone becomes insignificant when we do so collectively.

Start somewhere:

  • find a form of movement where you can completely let go

  • give support to your favorite causes— from sharing more information with others to donating

As always, don't pressure yourself to make these changes overnight. The best way to stick to habits is when you slowly introduce them at your own pace. That way, you set expectations and adjust accordingly without the pressure (there shouldn't be any!) With practice, we'll be able to carry it over even when we're no longer on lockdown.

Remember: your wellness isn't an occasion or a passing trend. Prioritize it when you can, Woman in Progress®️.

Thumbnail from Simply Skin and Charlotte

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