Three Ways to Rekindle a Love For Learning & Growth

Every day is an opportunity to keep learning and growing— here’s where you can start.

Image from Italian Bark

Image from Italian Bark

For some of us, it might have been quite some time before we last set foot in a classroom to sit down and run through a series of lectures. Maybe you were a fan of the formal set-up or someone who preferred learning as they go. One thing's for sure: the possibilities of learning were endless.

Although we may have hung up our school uniform and tucked away our school IDs for a while, the opportunity to learn never stopped (nor started) the minute we step in or out of school. In our lives, we always have opportunities to learn— from learning more about ourselves to learning about or through others. These opportunities allow us to grow in ways we may not even realize that much.

To make sure we make the most of the opportunity to learn and grow, it's best that we actively seek and recognize them as the opportunities they are. Far beyond the textbook knowledge, we can pick up what's deeper as we reignite a love for learning for the following:

A new language (or two!)

Image from Simply Skin

Image from Simply Skin

Gone are the days when we were so rigid about how people talk and how people pronounce words. By learning languages, you'll find that the core of it all is coming at one point to understand each other— with both parties actively involving themselves in the process of doing so. Break down your walls on the way. As you learn a new language, you'll have to have the courage to sound a bit silly with a foreign tongue. You'll get a deeper understanding of how beautifully diverse the world has to offer in terms of communicating and see how everyone is always in an effort to do it well.

What you'll learn: understanding, a moment to take yourself less seriously, how to connect.

Planning away.

Image from DEL RAINBOW

Image from DEL RAINBOW

Planning has always been a skill that most of us take for granted, and now more than ever, it might just be the handiest thing we could learn. From planning your day to online brunches with friends, learning how to plan can give you a sense of responsibility and control of your own life. It allows us to assert what we can do. Along with that, we also create room for ourselves (and others) to learn and grow through the moments we decide to make. By learning how to plan, no matter how big or small that plan may be, we get a glimpse of how important it is to reflect and ground our ideas on what we can do at the moment. Our next step becomes motivated by what we've already done, and what's left to be done to make things a little better than before.

What you'll learn: responsibility, minding yourself and others, grounding.

The art of crafting.

Image from Trendland

Image from Trendland

From painting to creating your ideal space— crafting might seem like a moment to just let go, but it can also offer us a lot of time to tap into the creativity we've been tucking away or have yet to discover. Aside from that, it can teach us how to set that dedicated time for ourselves for discovery and be patient with the process of it all. In the midst of that, of course, there will be moments when we may take more time to reach the vision we have in mind, or maybe we'll stumble and have to work with a fresh set of eyes. In either way, we work our way to keep going until we know we have a journey to be proud of as we look back.

The same could be said when it comes to our routines. Crafting the right habits to live by and getting the results we've always wanted might take some time, but as long as we consciously find what's better for us, our efforts will always pay off. To match your thinking, it's best to find people whose mindset is focused on your process and progress. When it comes to your skin, Simply Skin's skincare experts ensure that every treatment is well-crafted to help you achieve you and your skin goals, whatever that may be. They take this to another level, as they're sure to give you enough space to learn more about your skin (and what they do with it to let out its best version) on the way.

What you'll learn: trust, patience, persistence.

Learning that you can actively learn without the four walls of a school and within your everyday life is one step towards growth. Everything we get from even the tiniest learning curve contributes to who we are right now and who we can potentially be. All it takes is the desire to seek them and acknowledge them as what they are: points towards progress.

Thumbnail from Boom and Form Projekt

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