Tips on How to Celebrate Every Woman in All Ways, Always

Celebrating women is an all-year affair. Here’s how to make sure you’re doing it.

Image from Simply Skin

Image from Simply Skin

March marks the month where we collectively look back at how far women have come. We celebrate the great leaps that changed how we live today and thank those who've made an impact to ensure what wasn't possible for women before would be possible.

It's a feat to be in a place where we could celebrate those strides together, but it's also worth saying big cheers to how we all continually try to make it even a little better every day. Beyond what we read in books and newspapers are women like us who tap the energy of those who laid the groundwork to make positive changes in our lives and others. These women in their everyday lives know that what they do ultimately make up for the big picture. This is every woman. The Woman in Progress®.

The Woman in Progress® is in plain sight. It's our mothers, sisters— our colleagues, and our friends. They're women who take every day as an opportunity to grow and learn. They're women who seek and strive for the better knowing there's more. That Woman in Progress is in you— and it's time we recognize and celebrate it in all ways, always. Here's how:

Recognize the Woman in Progress®

Image from Simply Skin

Image from Simply Skin

The Woman in Progress® is in every woman. It's in our DNA and our essence. We often think that the Woman in Progress is found only in the people who make headlines and articles, but the Woman in Progress is every woman. Sometimes we need the push. Sometimes even just acknowledgment that it's in us could do wonders. We have the potential to be better. We deserve better. Saying that we are that woman makes all the difference.

Our practice:

  • Give ourselves time to do inner work to give ourselves positive self-talk.

  • Allow ourselves to say no to things that don't align with who we are and what our goals are.

Keep the history alive.

Image from MIE JUEL

Image from MIE JUEL

The Woman in Progress® thinks forward, but they also know the journey it took to get to where they are. We have strength ingrained in us made by decades and decades of struggle as women, and because of that grows the need to look back to make sure we don't make the same mistakes and that we're always building for the better— no matter what aspect that may be in. Our past may not be as pretty as the now, but it's something we need to seek and make positive changes for the future.

Our practice:

  • Look back on our journey and pinpoint where we were beforewhat worked for us? What did we do to make it better now?

  • Read up on women's history through race, culture, and standardssee how far we've come and notice the little things that still need work.

Celebrate every single win.

Our wins don't have to be big to count. Like women's history, where we are now (compared to before) was not built after one woman stood up for herself. It was a collection of small events that led us to this moment, and it's by knowing that every step we make for the better could lead up to something bigger than we initially planned.

Our practice:

  • Remind ourselves that the best version of us will take time, but on the way, we're allowed to celebrate your every win.

  • Celebrate with otherscreate a positive space where encouragement and support grows.

Set each other up for the better.

Image from Simply Skin

Image from Simply Skin

Being able to see the Woman in Progress® in us is already a win. To make progress something everyone could feel, we have to create space in our lives to recognize the power in every woman. It's through this that we all demand what we deserve in a way that's inclusive and welcoming of each other's stories. Creating that culture sets all of us up for one goal: a positive change from where we are right now.

Our practice:

  • Give compliments freelyif you see a woman do something you admire, verbalize! It could make a difference.

  • Support businesses (big or small) that leave no woman behind. This little act urges the others to make space for every woman and their boundless potential.

We welcome the Woman in Progress at Simply Skin®. Made by women for every woman, its team of experts and enthusiasts make sure no skin type and no skin story is left behind. We recognize the potential in you and your skin with carefully crafted treatments with an encompassing goal: to set good skin free that's already inside you. We love being able to help you just that, which is why our nurse skin therapists put the prime on what's best for you over anything.

With a mindset built on treatments that are simple, easy, and effective, we make sure that skincare not only becomes a habit but something that you look forward to with every regular visit. Our space is a place of celebrating you, The Woman in Progress, at all times and in all ways.

Meet you there soon!

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