Image from Lolly
Something we can all agree on is how some days slog and drag on more than they're supposed to, while other days seem to go by in a whir.
Although we love embracing and acknowledging that progress in each day isn't always linear, there are times when a looming deadline urges us to quicken our pace. Sometimes, on the other hand, our need to slow down physically and mentally manifests itself to a point where a 15-minute step out just doesn't cut it anymore.
We realized for these instances that while it's important to recognize that these days are bound to happen, we can make those days a little more bearable (and maybe even enjoyable.) By seeking some help from the little things, it's a way to admit that there are ways you can adapt to these changes of pace and have the power to do so. For days when you need to wind down or step it up, here are things that could help you go through (and relish) it:
When you need to slow down
A ceremonious, mindful drink
Image from Red Rola
For days when you need more time out and peace of mind, try out a slower approach to your favorite drink. It can be as simple as plopping your favorite teabag in a cup or as ritualistic as preparing your coffee beans, topping them off with your favorite syrup at the end. The trick to making it the perfect slow-down pick: pour your entire focus and immerse yourself in the act of creating it. It can provide the moment of mindful calm we all need before heading straight on with our to-do lists for the day.
A trusty (digital) journal
Image from An Organised Life
Even when we're on a roll with our progress, it's great to sit back literally and see what we've done so far and how it helped us get better. Prop yourself up in your favorite spot at home (for now) and let your reflections materialize on paper. Sometimes, this helps us break down what we've learned so far more than our thoughts could ever make out— making it easier for us to celebrate each step we've taken towards our highest selves. Try out our personal favorite, Notion, for this perfect mix.
The go-to candle or scent
Image from Anonie
The poster-child of self-care— and we understand how it got there. The science behind how candles seem essential nowadays is how they provide a piece of serenity is aromatherapy. If you have yet to get your hands on a go-to candle, try gravitating towards scents with lavender, patchouli, bergamot, and clary sage for times we could use the warm glow and a moment of peace.
When you need to pick up your pace
Your favorite meditation guide
Image from Flickr
Meditation may seem daunting, although it's been a prime pick for most Women in Progress for a while. What helped us: downloading apps that make it a little easier to incorporate into our little breaks. Our favorite lets us customize and pick from a wide array of meditations based on what we need— personalizing as you go. Our current favorite is an immersive walk in the forest that, with the help of your phone vibrations, lets you feel different elements you would otherwise experience if you were actually on a trek. This especially comes in handy when we're creatively in a rut and need a way to get going again.
A favorite playlist
This little tip came from a Woman in Progress, and it's been helping us get through days where we need an extra push. Sometimes we need music to get us in a groove (literally and figuratively!) If you find it hard to work with music, try out playlists unfamiliar to you to save you from singing along or ones that let you transport to your favorite places. You can also see if nature sounds or instrumentals work. Podcasts also do great in giving you quips of knowledge. It also provides the feeling of company we sometimes crave when we need to quicken our pace.
A burst of movement
Image from Hej Hej Mats
Don't let the tasks fool you into thinking that you have no time or need to get up from your seat. Try out a few stretches or taking a quick walk around your house or workspace to recharge. Maybe even pause for a few more moments and go on short walks, give your plants their fill of water or safely go outside to breathe in air. This burst of movement away from your to-do lists will clear your head, giving you the right headspace to carry on with what you need to do.
Don't forget that it's completely normal to feel ups and downs even when we're on a productive streak. Recognize when you need to slow down and treat yourself with kindness even when you need to step it up. Feel free to take what you need from our three picks and make it yours.