Woman in Progress®️: Erianne Salazar

Get to know how positivity advocate, tarot reader, and Woman in Progress®️ Erianne Salazar keeps herself on track on her own journey to progress.

Erianne Salazar’s refreshing profile online will initially put you in a good mood— and learning more about her gives us a peek of where exactly she gets the energy she puts out to the world to make a positive, honest impact. We’re taking her cue when it comes to self-work, a love & trust for progress, and the practice of gratitude (in every way!)

Tell us something about yourself!

Hi! I am Er (said like “air”!) and I am a makeup artist and tarot reader. My work revolves around advocating for self-care for the body and spirit in order to experience life fully as our most confident, most joyful, and most connected selves.

Where or which aspect of your life do you want to see progress in?

I believe we are always progressing in all aspects of life, whether we realize it or not. Wherever we are is always evolved from who we used to be, and wherever we are is always in pursuit of something more.

So in my case, I try my best to be at peace with where I am. It’s difficult sometimes, with everything going on in life on a personal and collective level. However, I remind myself of how far I have gone and how much I have conquered. I try to chill, relish the process, and trust that I am in constant preparation for the next step.

Simply Skin Laser Treatments - Woman in Progress Erianne Salazar

Share with us your most recent, proudest win (big or small!)

I have recently registered my company, Pretty Positive, with the government as a solopreneur. This was a really empowering moment for me. Finally doing it has helped me give myself credit for the work I am doing and allowing myself to take space in this way. I was scared of that for some time but formalizing it pushed me to be okay with dreaming bigger.

Talk us through your favorite routine (day or night).

I love going through my nighttime routine. I pamper myself with a shower and go through my evening skincare routine. I slow down and take my time, thanking every part of my body for what they have helped me achieve during the day, no matter how big or how small. I put my phone aside, journal for a bit, and read a few chapters of the book I am currently reading. Then I put my earphones in to listen to solfeggio frequencies or affirmations that align with my intentions before I drift off to sleep for the next 6-8 hours.

Here’s what we learned Erianne Salazar keeps around her for living life in progress. A mix of things that inspire and enrich her when it comes to—

Creativity, growth & progress

Read: Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

Podcast:  Insights and Perspectives by Joseph Rodrigues

Mantra: “Today I am living a life aligned with my greatest good.”

Inspiration: Abraham-Hicks and Ekhart Tolle, spiritual teachers who teach that we are more than our physical bodies and that all of our power is in the present moment; and Oprah, who has used her voice and platform to uplift, empower, and amplify countless others.


Simply Skin Facial Treatments - Woman in Progress Erianne Salazar

Skin:  Simply Skin’s The Essential Facial and The Clearlift Laser Treatment; SPF 50 ++++ Sunscreen

App: Flo, a period tracking app that helps me stay in touch with the changes in my body so I canbetter understand the state of my mood, skin, appetite and cravings, and energy level. This information helps me become aware of and responsive to my body’s needs.

Movement: I work out with Sydney Cummings on energetic days and Yoga with Adrienne for slower days, both of whom are on Youtube.

Unwind: Serenading my dogs and cat with random made-up songs.


Snack On-Hand: DIY Trail mix with granola, nuts, and dried fruits.

Drink: Water! And plenty of it.

Desk essential: My journals and a good pen. Sometimes ideas and insights come in when I’m working on something else. I do my best to write everything down so I don’t lose them and for when I have the time to really focus on them and flesh them out.

Art/decor: My phases of the moon mirrors, fresh flowers, and potted plants. I like my space bright and welcoming, with a boho-mystic vibe.

To you, a Woman in Progress®️ is:

Someone who defines herself with her potential, not her limitations. She is certain of her inherent worth and embodies her own definition of strength, beauty, and growth.

Meet Erianne Salazar via @eriannesalazar

Find out more about her treatment of choice and how it could help you in your own story— find out more about the Clearlift Laser Treatment.

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