Image from Nikki Cruz
Skincare has always been multi-faceted, and it goes beyond just the moisturizers and actives.
Often, when we read about how we could improve our skin, there's always a slight pang of feeling like it's unattainable because lifestyle is always part of it. True enough, we can't easily switch to strict diets and a consistent sleeping schedule in a snap; neither can we control stress (especially now) or our natural biology (hello, hormones.) When these come up, we often feel defeated since we can have the best skincare routine at home and still come up short when our lifestyle feels like it's holding us back.
While there is truth to this, there are always updates we could do to our approach with skin to lessen the load on our way to better skin. What's great about these? They won't make you feel like you need to do a major overhaul of what you have now overnight. And it only takes three to see an improvement, slowly but surely.
Your approach towards your skin.
Image from Simply Skin
They say that it should always start from within— that's true, even when it comes to skin! Because of the many pressures and illusions of 'perfect skin' we see more and more every day, we feel like the ones we have at this very moment aren't good at all. Sometimes we think the things we do would never match up to what we see online and feel down about the skin we have. Skin is personal, and the experiences we attach with it could be emotional, but it's always a great start trying to lift a little load off that by being kind to it.
Being kind to our skin means knowing the skin we see online isn't all there is to it. Being kind to our skin means taking the time to know it, what's it's been through, and what its potential is. It means knowing your individual journey might stand a close parallel to someone else's, but secured in the fact that your skin story is never the same with anyone. A lot of the time, being kind to our skin also means being patient with it.
After all, don't we gravitate towards working on better things when we know that there's something good to start with?
Where you get the extra care
Image from Simply Skin
When we do the work for our skin, it's so easy to be swayed by overnight changes or one-session wonders— sometimes under the guise of umbrella treatments and products that seem to be able to do everything. Sometimes while being caught up in these promises, we wonder whether this specific product or treatment is something you need when in reality, it doesn't match up with the skin goals you wanted to tackle in the first place.
When it doesn't follow through, we feel discouraged by our journey. The update for this? It's getting expert care that keeps up with your specific needs. By doing this, not only do you lock in your progress towards what you and your skin really need (detours allowed, but only when trying for what's best for your skin,) you also spare yourself from wasting resources you earned and putting it to aligns with what you want. Our skin is constantly evolving and changing as you go through your journey, so make sure your expert care offers just enough options to adapt to it wherever you and your skin may be.
When the time comes that you want to seek expert care to upgrade your skincare, make sure you head towards the direction of easy, simple, and effective. This way, you're sure that expert care not only adapts and goes with you but is also easy to commit to.
What products you trust
Image from Nikki Cruz
We may have that one trusty moisturizer or toner that we've been clinging on to ever since, but now we're scratching our heads and wondering why our skin still isn't where we want it to be.
This is when we could think of how our skin is constantly changing and evolving. While some products may have worked with us the past six months, with the added factor that there are some things we can't control, it could mean that it doesn't align with what we want for our skin anymore. For this, it might be helpful to take recommendations from skin experts to narrow down what products could help you achieve what you want.
It takes resources to make updates, but don't feel pressured to make an overhaul in a snap. There's so much in the world that we can't control beyond what happens to our skin— so we won't say you need to make these steps at this very moment. When you're ready, though, we'll be here to meet you (and your skin goals.)
Thumbnail photos from Simply Skin