Celebrate What Your Body Can Do with These 5 Easy Yoga Stretches

Your body can do wonders— here’s how to discover them more through yoga.

Yoga, for a good reason, has become a go-to form of exercise for many. Aside from the physical benefits you’ll get, yoga can give you a moment of peace and relaxation in an otherwise busy lifestyle.

However, if you’re used to hard-hitting routines or simply someone who has yet to understand what yoga enthusiasts mean with ‘feel the energy’, yoga might be something you brush off or find as intimidating territory. What we love about yoga, though, is with the right guidance and knowledge of what it could do for you, it can very much fit whatever lifestyle you have.

Yoga has many forms and types— it can be as challenging as the vinyasa where you string different poses together through a flow or a little less dynamic like yin yoga where you hold poses for a longer period of time. Depending on what you need at the moment, you can easily pick a type that suits you and see what your body can do from there. You can also choose the level of difficulty for your chosen practice, so there’s no need to feel like you have to ace a pose on your first try.

If you’re looking for a way to warm up for a new challenge, you can see what your body can do with easy yoga stretches that are sure to give your body (and mind) a boost. Expect to feel points in your body that you didn’t know you could activate with these poses:

Standing forward fold

Also known as Uttanasana, this forward bend is usually one of the first few poses you’ll get acquainted with when you start doing yoga. This pose wakes your hamstrings and your back while also doing a good job of calming your mind. Perfect for when you want to start (or end) the day right.

Tree pose

This is probably one of the most iconic poses when you first think of yoga, and for a good reason too!

Although this might seem like a pose that only tests your balance, the Vrksasana actually helps in keeping you focused and at ease as well— a perfect way to sum up how your mind works with your body when you practice yoga. Feel and look taller as you try to find stability and a moment of peace with this pose.

Downward-Facing Dog

Yoga encourages you to take rests and this pose gives just that plus some perks.

The downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is known as an essential pose for transitioning in-between different flows in a yoga routine. It can help alleviate headaches and ease any tensions you have in your body— a lifesaver during more stressful days. If back pain is a common occurrence for you as this can also help in reducing it with its back-and-shoulder-strengthening benefits.

Triangle Pose

If you’re looking for a little more of a challenge, up your usual side stretches with the Trikosana.

Aside from strengthening your lower body, this also gives your shoulders and spine a good stretch, helping you increase your flexibility. The bonus? It can also help you stimulate your digestive system. Remember to take it slow. It’s totally fine if you can’t reach the floor on your first try!

Child's Pose

Release your inner, carefree child with a pose that releases your fatigue and stress.

This pose is perfect if you want to take a few minutes away from your WFH desk. Along with its stress-relieving benefits, you can also feel your hips and shoulders opening up with the balasana.

Once you’re well introduced to a few stretches you could easily apply in your ritual, you can take the next step by taking a yoga class as a way to thank the body you’re in. Our biggest tip is to find yoga apps or videos that you feel comfortable with. Find ones that guide and nurture your journey— most likely ones that say it’s okay to stumble especially when you’re new to the practice. Remember to take it easy when you don't get the stretches right away. Everyone starts somewhere and that start isn't always easy or pretty!

Tap into what your body needs and can do. If you have any underlying conditions that might hinder you from practicing these stretches, consult your trusted doctor for recommendations and alternatives.

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