Three Simple Ways Every Woman Can Commit To Progress

Committing to progress is a big (yet impactful) step. Here’s how every woman can easily get into it.

Image from Simply Skin

Image from Simply Skin

Committing to progress might be one of the most challenging things you could decide on doing.

With commitment being an act of putting time, effort, and resources into a singular thing— it's no question how one would feel extremely careful before saying anything is worth committing. Much more if it's progress, where you're not entirely sure that you'll get what you want to achieve in an instant. And perhaps that's what makes it all the more worthwhile.

Committing to progress is a life's work, and while it's no easy feat, it teaches us the three most important things we could carry beyond the track of progress: patience, kindness, and an undoubted trust in ourselves. Committing to progress teaches us that the things that matter the most are worth persevering. It teaches us how to be kind to ourselves, even on days we feel like we don't. Most of all, it slowly teaches us how much we're capable of and the power we wield when we decide to pursue a goal. Try out our few tips on how to make committing to progress a little easier:

Know what you want— then break it down.

Image from Kirsty Dawn

Image from Kirsty Dawn

Ever tried to commit to progress by setting an umbrella goal? Trust us. We know the story all too well! When we commit to something like learning a new skill, we put it as it is on our journals. Learn how to cook. Learn how to play a new sport.

While it's nice to have a starting point, committing to progress works better when you break down your goals. What do you want to achieve in the long run, and how can you make it more specific? What are the things you need to reach each goal under your bigger one? Doing this not only makes your goal more tangible but also makes it easier to track your progress.

Condition your mind that your unique progress journey may take time.

While the saying 'all good things take time' may not be universally true, in the case of committing to progress it is.

By conditioning our mind to understand that progress takes time, we remove the internal pressure and saves us from feeling discouraged about not achieving what we want right away. Doing so also acknowledges our unique selves and journeys because we focus more on the road over the time we get to the destination. This kind of reframing isn't an easy one to jump into, and you might find yourself questioning it on the way. We assure you, it's normal. Just remember to take the time to give yourself some self-talk. Be kind; your highest self is not timing you.

Put a higher focus on the changes— good or bad.

You've decided to commit to progress, and months in, you're wondering if you ever even moved forward.

When we feel that way, doubt could come in and shift our attention to a negative path. Maybe that's because when we think of changes, the bigger shifts or the tangible ones come to mind right away. We often overlook the little things that ultimately make up for the bigger ones. After committing to progress, try to hyper-focus on the changes we don't usually put in the books. Do you feel more at ease? Do you have an added spark to your day ever since committing to progress?

At the same time, it's necessary to step foot on the brakes when instead of feeling the small positive changes, you're tenser or that you're not even seeing or feeling genuine changes (not the ones we make up because we so desperately want it to work for us!) No matter how far you've come into your journey, putting a higher focus on those changes, positive or negative, sets yourself and your journey as a priority.

When it comes to your skin, this should be particularly true.

Our skin is the easiest way we see and feel progress since it often manifests the challenges we go through. That is why we put more care into creating the right solutions for every skin concern in a way that's easy, simple, and effective.

In Simply Skin, each treatment was well-crafted to make sure every session becomes one stepping stone closer to having the better skin you deserve. We hold your progress and unique skin journey above everything else, and we know how committing to skin progress can become challenging. That's why our team of experts and nurse therapists dedicate the same amount of work you put out to make sure you see and feel progress with ease. Set goals with us with customizable treatments to take with you everywhere you go and consultations that focus on you. Speak to our nurse therapists about the experience you want with them, and they'll be sure to accommodate your skin journey the best way they could with your potential to have better skin on top of the mind. Made to make progress a little easier to commit to, all without the clutter, you're sure to enjoy a worthwhile commitment to setting good skin free with us.

Try to keep this in mind: every Woman in Progress® is capable of committing to progress. All it really takes is knowing you have it in you and make the necessary steps because it all contributes to who and where we want to be. Take charge. We'll meet you in your (skin) journey!

Thumbnail from Simply Skin

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