Our Favorite 2020 Stories Worth Celebrating

Look back on the year through stories of women like us.

This 2020 was a year of challenges. Around this time last year, we were unsuspecting of what's to come— no idea of the deep plunge we would take into a completely unfamiliar situation. However, despite the collective struggle to make it through, our personal highlights tell stories of achieving progress in the best ways we can. These are some of the parts we'll look back on as we reflect on a difficult year as sheer testaments of our strength and ability to push through.

To remind you of more good moments to celebrate, here are our favorite stories from 2020 that highlight women like us who created a spark and inspired us to do what we can in spite of the pandemic:

Women who cared

The pandemic puts us in a unique situation that continues to affect our daily lives and the people around us. Especially since the virus puts a lot at stake, the need to respond with the mind and heart to give what's best for the good of all is the best solution to save lives. This practice has been a common observation for most countries led by women.

Our favorite example? Jacinda Ardern's leadership for New Zealand. With a response that centers around facts and caring for other people, the result is something we all wish would happen to our own: lower rates of COVID-19 cases to avoid any more casualties and get life to a better state. This only shows how making smart decisions and being compassionate goes hand-in-hand— something we could all seek in leadership and practice on our own.

What it might look like for you:

  • initiating ways to meet friends and family that consider everyone's safety

  • creating or contributing to donation drives

  • following safety guidelines to avoid the further spread of the virus

Women who created

The year might have been tough, but it didn't stop women from being able to create.

While the struggle to create might have been difficult because of other pressing matters at the moment, we still found little ways to get going and let our creative juices flowing. This year, we loved hearing women put out album-hits to add to our new home workout playlists or songs to listen to when we want to be a little sentimental. We also saw women-produced or co-produced podcasts dominate top lists for the year.

Our special mentions: The Home Cooking podcast, small businesses entering the slow fashion market during the pandemic, and you for being able to create or discover new hobbies or skills when you could!

What it might look like for you:

  • following and sharing works of your favorite creators to get inspired

  • starting with a blank journal and seeing where your day-to-day imagination takes you

  • enrolling yourself in online classes that teach you a new creative skill

Women who paved ways

In a world where we're almost programmed to follow, women who made waves dared to say otherwise.

This year, we saw the first elected female vice president, Kamala Harris, take oath in the White House. We also witnessed a louder call for help when it comes to climate-action from Greta Thunberg, who dared to ask for accountability for a life-threatening issue that would affect all of us. To further prove the impact women could make in the field of science and medicine, 14-year-old Anika Chebrolu discovered a possible solution to make way for a cure for COVID-19.

These women boldly stepped forward to change when there's a need for it to give courage to those who will come next— a necessary move for the progress we could all see and feel.

What it might look like for you:

  • actively seeking for solutions when you find a concern

  • investing in smart choices that give you the best benefits but a lower impact on the environment

  • kindly encouraging others to take their steps to make changes in their lives

This year was a test and challenge for most of us, but we hope this round-up gives you a look back on the good and inspire you to welcome a new year with hope and a few ideas on how you could tap the energy of these women in your own, unique ways. Here's to the next stories we'll make and celebrate! 🥂

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