Crow's Feet and Under-Eye Lines: What Are They and What Should You Do

The eyes really reveal so much about us, so read on to find what stories crow’s feet and under-eye lines can reveal about us.

What are undereye lines and crow's feet

People say, “the eyes are the window to the soul.” But, what about the area around our eyes?

Well, this statement still holds true because you really can tell a lot by just looking at someone’s eyes—even the skin around it. Our eye area actually tells a story all of its own, it reveals whether we’re serious about protecting our skin, how much we’re taking care of ourselves, and how is our lifestyle.

The eyes really reveal so much about us, so read on below what stories crow’s feet and under-eye lines can reveal about us.

What are crow’s feet and under-eye lines?

Undereye lines and crow's feet

Crow's feet are the multi-pronged lines radiating out from the corners of the eyes that resemble the talons of a crow. While under-eye lines, as the name suggests, are lines under the eyes which can be fine lines or deeper wrinkles. Everyone has them or will have them at some point, no matter their age.

Usually, they become visible when a person smiles or laughs which causes the eyes to crinkle. For some, they become more prominent and stick around even when there’s not much facial movement, which makes it a concern for them. But hey, there's nothing bad about these eye crinkles, they just show how much expressions we’ve let out throughout our lifetime.

What causes them?

Causes of undereye lines and crow's feet

Collagen loss

As part of the natural aging process or “intrinsic aging”, our body’s collagen production starts to decline at the age of 20. And the eye area, the thinnest and most delicate of all, is the first to show signs of this collagen loss. This is when the gradual formation of fine lines starts. And because elasticity is not the same as it used to be, the structure that keeps the skin looking plump and smooth shifts or erodes which can cause deeper and more pronounced lines. Just to be clear, this is inevitable and happens to everyone regardless of any other factors.

UV Exposure

There is also what we call “extrinsic aging” which is primarily brought by outside factors such as UV exposure and environmental stressors. This contributes to earlier and deeper wrinkles or sagging under and around the eyes. That’s why we can’t emphasize enough how important it is to always protect your skin from UV exposure.

Unhealthy routines

Unhealthy routines can sometimes cause oxidative stress—this is like our stress but this one’s on a cellular level. Prolonged oxidative stress contributes to intrinsic aging—loss of collagen and elasticity. These unhealthy activities causing oxidative stress could be unhealthy and oily diet, inadequate sleep, vices such as smoking and alcohol, etc.

How can I treat crow’s feet and under-eye lines?

Ultherapy Eyelift Treatment Simply Skin

Again, we’re not resisting and repulsing away these lines, they all natural and part of aging, this is about giving our best efforts for our skin and preserving the youthful skin that we currently have. It is also important to bear in mind that prevention will always be better than cure. So by prevention, we mean, you have to constantly look for routines that protect and nourish the skin.

For your diet, you have to look for foods and supplements rich in antioxidants to counter oxidative stress and as much as possible stay away from inflammation-triggering foods like processed foods and refined carbs. For your skincare products/treatments, go for collagen-boosting treatments, and opt for ingredients such as Retinol, Vitamin C, glutathione, and niacinamide as they are also rich in antioxidants. And the last tip, stick to a healthy routine by reducing your stress levels, regularly exercising to help flush toxins, and aiming for good sleep and rest.

Are there facial treatments that can help with these?

Ultherapy® Eyelift

An intensive collagen-boosting treatment for the eye area. It keeps the eyes looking more awake and the face instantly looking rejuvenated.

The most suited treatment that is specifically targeted for boosting collagen production and elasticity in the eye area is Ultherapy Eyelift. It directly delivers ultrasound energy at the deeper layers of the skin to enhance skin elasticity and improve collagen. After the treatment, an immediate tightening may be noticeable which will continuously improve in a period of 6 months to a year. This is also the only non-invasive US-FDA cleared procedure for lifting and tightening the skin, so you can be sure of its safety, effectiveness, and authenticity.

Simply Skin is an accredited center for Ultherapy® treatments in the Philippines.

When’s the best time to incorporate these routines and treatments?

The best time will always be NOW.

The earlier you invest in preventative aging treatments, the less visible the signs of aging will be later on. Since collagen formation starts to slow down past your twenties, it’s important to try to give back and compensate for what you’re body is naturally losing by banking on preventative routines. We have created a whole preventative routine plan which you can check out here.

Now that we’re more informed about these micro-lines, we should all be more understanding of our body and the aging process. Let’s not fight it like it’s an unpleasant scenario. Let’s embrace aging and its sign because it’s natural, and actively do our part in protecting the skin we’re currently in.

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