Three Ways Your Skin Changes With You and How You Can Welcome Them

Your skin changes with you as you grow. Which one have you experienced so far?

Sometimes, we think our skin works against us rather than with us. Think of the times when you have a big day coming up, and you find yourself breaking out right before the fated day— almost as if your skin decides to show up at the worst time. When we do close-up photos, we suddenly feel taken aback by the reminder of maturity with the creases forming in the corners of our eyes that we swear just appeared out of nowhere.

Breathe. Try to remember that your skin manifests the same changes you go through in your life. It tells a story that’s one of a kind. It shows that you’re not the same person you were. You've grown, learned, faced challenges, and you’re consistently trying to be a better version of yourself.

As much as we want to, it’s virtually impossible to find the miracle antidote that will put them at a full stop or turn your skin like new in one go. Try this instead: expect changes to happen and welcome them. This way we can better address our skin needs in a way that wouldn’t end up with us more frustrated than ever. Here are a few things we can expect from our skin as we go through our journey and what we can do when we face them:

It will go through seasons.

Image from Romper

Image from Romper

Everyone goes through seasons and we try our best to adapt to the changes we face as we experience them. Much like us, our skin does the same when it’s faced with new environments or situations.

The skin reacts to our surroundings. If you’re someone who’s taking on a new challenge in life with being more on the go, you may suddenly experience breakouts more frequently from pollution breaking your skin barrier. Maybe you find yourself in colder or hotter environments, making your skin oilier or drier than usual.

Instead of letting these changes hold you back, go for something that adapts with you. This means, no matter what season you're in (literally and figuratively!), this can become a trusted go-to as you can easily mix it up based on where you’re at in your journey.

It will show traces of what you’ve been through.

Image from Flickr

Image from Flickr

Because our skin naturally reacts to so many factors, its way to heal from them could leave traces that we usually dread more than its initial appearance.

This can be in the form of pores gone larger from nervous or unconscious picking or the ghost of that one zit you accidentally broke. Perhaps you can still the marks from a bad breakout coming from a night of burning the midnight oil, or your last case of PMS.

More often than not, these traces are from situations that are out of our hands. Although we might have tried every supposed holy grail product and switched up what we can in our lifestyles, it might not be enough to let out our skin's potential. If you find yourself searching for something sure to show improvement with every go, try out a treatment that targets these concerns specifically while giving you extra skin-boosting TLC.

It will age beautifully with you.


The best depiction of how our skin grows with us is through how it will inevitably show signs of our age.

While aging is a concept we usually fret over, be the type of person who sees it as a beautiful part of your journey. Your first few fine lines or the crinkles by your eyes when you laugh are testaments to what you've gone through. They're signs of the many stories you've made and your capability to make more.

Put your best face forward as you continue your progress with something that doesn't aim to hide your age focusing, instead, on lifting, tightening, and livening up your collagen production. No knives involved.

Brace for these changes and welcome them as you walk through your personal story of progress. Doing so reduces our frustrations and doubts. It allows us to assess and address them with solutions that embody our ultimate goal: a positive change in every step. One we can see and feel!

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